Data not being set in Trigger

  • I have a trigger that is fired on a table that is used to update another table with appropriate data from this update, insert or delete. The update statements are appropriately fired off in the trigger, but when the update completes, the data is not in the table that was just updated.

    I step through the code in the TSQL debugger and there is no errors and no reason why the data should not be written to the second table. The keys are appropriate, the @@rowcount shows that data was inserted, the trigger on the other table fires and it appears to be updating.

    However a select (within the context of the debug session transaction) does not show the data, and normal execution of the update statement from the web application shows no data update to the affected table.

    My workaround has been to update the table outside of the trigger, which is not what my customer wants.

    What am I doing wrong here or is this one of those server bugs?


  • Hm, it might be helpful to see the code.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Sure, an update to the links table fires this trigger. Data is two asset id's of assets being tied together (in the case of the trigger, I am setting an employee name to the location asset (office) that the employee now occupies.

    As I have stated earlier, while under debug, the trigger fires and code executes, all variables are populated correctly.

    ALTER          trigger a_iu_Links  on dbo.Links

    FOR insert,update,delete AS


     declare @Inserted int,

      @Deleted int,

      @Type char(6),

      @EmpName varchar(250),

      @loc_id int,

      @site_id int,

      @category int,

      @loccategory int

     declare @AssetLink int,     -- Link1

      @locationLink int   -- Link2

            declare linkC_Cursor cursor local for select  link1_asset_id, link2_asset_id

                                                 from inserted i

       declare linkD_Cursor cursor local for select  link1_asset_id, link2_asset_id

                                                 from deleted i

     select @inserted = count(*) from inserted

     select @deleted = count(*) from deleted

     select @type = CASE

      When (@inserted > 0) and (@deleted = 0) THEN 'INSERT'

      When (@inserted > 0) and (@deleted > 0) THEN 'UPDATE'

      When (@inserted = 0) and (@deleted > 0) THEN 'DELETE'


     if @Type = 'INSERT'


      open linkC_Cursor

      fetch linkC_Cursor into  @AssetLink, @locationLink

      while ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )


       select @category = category_id, @EmpName = [General/Asset Name] from

       assets where asset_id = @assetLink

       select @loccategory = category_id from

       assets where asset_id = @locationLink

       select @loc_id = loc_id, @site_id = site_id

        from ullocation where db_id  = @locationLink

       if (@category = 7) and (@loccategory = 14)

        update Assets

        SET [General/Notes] = 'Employee: ' + @EmpName,

        DateModified = getdate()

        where Asset_Id = @locationLink

       update Assets

        set [General/loc_id] = @loc_id,

        [General/locatorcode] = @loc_id,

        [General/Site_ID] = @site_id,

        DateModified = getdate()

        where Asset_id = @assetLink

       fetch linkC_Cursor into  @AssetLink, @locationLink



      close linkC_Cursor


     if @Type = 'UPDATE'


      --update Links

      --set touched = -1

      --from inserted

      --where inserted.Link_ID = Links.Link_ID

      insert into LinksHistory

       (datemodified, [Action], [Link_ID], [link1_asset_ID], [link2_asset_ID], [linkedby], [datelinked])

      select getdate() as datemodified, 'PREVIOUS' as [Actions], [Link_ID], [link1_asset_ID], [link2_asset_ID], [linkedby], [datelinked] from deleted


      insert into LinksHistory

       (datemodified, [Action], [Link_ID], [link1_asset_ID], [link2_asset_ID], [linkedby], [datelinked])

      select getdate() as datemodified, 'NEW' as [Actions], [Link_ID], [link1_asset_ID], [link2_asset_ID], [linkedby], [datelinked] from inserted

      open linkC_Cursor

      fetch linkC_Cursor into  @AssetLink, @locationLink

      while ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )


       select @category = category_id, @EmpName = [General/Asset Name] from

       assets where asset_id = @assetLink

       select @loccategory = category_id from

       assets where asset_id = @locationLink

       select @loc_id = loc_id, @site_id = site_id

        from ullocation where db_id = @locationLink

       if @@rowcount > 0 begin

        if (@category = 7) and (@loccategory = 14)

        update Assets

        SET [General/Notes] = 'Employee: ' + rtrim(@EmpName),

        DateModified = getdate()

        where Asset_Id = @locationLink

        update Assets

        set [General/loc_id] = @loc_id,

        [General/Site_ID] = @site_id,

        DateModified = getdate()

        where Asset_id = @assetLink


       fetch linkC_Cursor into  @AssetLink, @locationLink



      close linkC_Cursor



     if @Type = 'DELETE'


      insert into LinksHistory

       (datemodified, [Action], [Link_ID], [link1_asset_ID], [link2_asset_ID], [linkedby], [datelinked])

      select getdate() as datemodified, 'DELETED' as [Actions], [Link_ID], [link1_asset_ID], [link2_asset_ID], [linkedby], [datelinked] from deleted

      if @deleted = 1


       open linkD_Cursor

       fetch linkD_Cursor into  @AssetLink, @locationLink

       while ( @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 )


        select @category = category_id, @EmpName = [General/Asset Name] from

        assets where asset_id = @assetLink

        select @loccategory = category_id from

        assets where asset_id = @locationLink

        if (@category = 7) and (@loccategory = 14)

         update Assets

         SET [General/Notes] = 'Vacant',

         DateModified = getdate()

         where Asset_Id = @locationLink


        fetch linkD_Cursor into  @AssetLink, @locationLink



       close linkD_Cursor













  • Geeh, I should have known before...

    Well, first I would consider breaking this up into three separate triggers. Not only does this encapsulate the logic a bit more but it also does make the code more readable.

    Next, I see no reason here that would justify a cursor anyway.

    What exactly does (not) happen?

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • The reason for the cursor is the fact that there could be multiple updates to the links table at one operation and the atomic operation needs to determine if the asset being linked is an employee to a location (or removed from a location).


    What does not happen is the update to Assets (although the code executes)

  • What are you trying to catch with

     if @@rowcount > 0 begin


    in the UPDATE part? @@ROWCOUNT will take the value of the last statement executed, so in your case

    select @loc_id = loc_id, @site_id = site_id

        from ullocation where db_id = @locationLink

    Now, when this doesn't return a row, @@ROWCOUNT gets the value 0 and therefore will not enter the IF clause.

    That's the only thing I can think of right now.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

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