Trigger Help

  • I'm really new at Triggers, I tried to do some research on my own, but was confused so I was hoping someone here might be able to help me. What i'm looking to do is before a change is made to a table I do a compare to see what 2 values have changed and if they have changed then I write them to a new table. What i'm trying to accomplish is more like a transaction history for changes only. Any assistance would help. this is what i started with but I have so many errors i think i am way off.

    CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trAgrPkeyHistory] BEFORE INSERT ON dbo.TicketCallMain




    DECLARE ChangeAgreement SMALLINT;

    DECLARE CurrentAgreement SMALLINT;

    DECLARE NextHistoryPkey SMALLINT;

    SET ChangeAgreement = new_row.AgrPkey;

    SET CurrentAgreement= Inserted.AgrPKey;

    IF ChangeAgreement CurrentAgreement THEN

    INSERT INTO TicketCallMainModifiedHistory

    SELECT Inserted.TcaPKey, Inserted.AgrPKey, Inserted.AloPKey, Inserted.TcaType, Inserted.TcaStatus, Inserted.TcaModifiedDate, Inserted.TcaEngineer, Inserted.TcaOffice

    FROM TicketCallMain

    INNER JOIN Inserted ON TicketCallMain.TcaPKey= Inserted.TcaPKey

    SET NextHistoryPkey = (SELECT MAX(ThmPkey) + 1 AS NextPkey FROM TicketCallMainModifiedHistory);

    UPDATE TicketCallMainModifiedHistory SET ThmAgrPkey =ChangeAgreement WHERE (ThmPkey = NextHistoryPkey)

    END IF;




  • SQL Server does not have before triggers. In SQL Server you would use an after trigger and then use the virtual inserted and deleted tables. I will post an example later. You are using SQL Server, not DB2?

  • Currently we are using SQL Server Enterprise manager to write most of queries. Thanks for you help!

  • Here are 3 options. Option 1 is simpler, but it will create rows even if you do Update TicketCallMain set AgrPKey = AgrPKey, while Options 2 is not complex it is a little more complex, OPtion 3 is a combination of the first 2.

    Option 1:

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trAgrPkeyHistory]  ON dbo.TicketCallMain

    FOR UPDATE -- I think update is what you are looking for as inserting is not a change, but a new record



        IF UPDATE(AgrPkey) -- this says if this column is updated then run it


                -- the deleted virtual table contains the "before" record

                INSERT INTO TicketCallMainModifiedHistory











                        deleted d




    Option 2:

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trAgrPkeyHistory]  ON dbo.TicketCallMain

    FOR UPDATE -- I think update is what you are looking for as inserting is not a change, but a new record



        -- this will handle a batch update and only insert records where AgrPKey has changed

        INSERT INTO TicketCallMainModifiedHistory











                inserted I JOIN

                deleted d ON

                    I.TcaPkey = D.TcaPkey AND -- assuming this is the Primary key on TicketCallMain

                    I.AgrPKey != D.AgrPkey   -- this assures that only where this column was updated will change    



    Option 3:

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE TRIGGER [dbo].[trAgrPkeyHistory]  ON dbo.TicketCallMain

    FOR UPDATE -- I think update is what you are looking for as inserting is not a change, but a new record



        IF UPDATE(AgrPkey) -- this says if the


                 -- this will handle a batch update and only insert records where AgrPKey has changed

                INSERT INTO TicketCallMainModifiedHistory











                        inserted I JOIN

                        deleted d ON

                            I.TcaPkey = D.TcaPkey AND -- assuming this is the Primary key on TicketCallMain

                            I.AgrPKey != D.AgrPkey   -- this assures that only where this column was updated will change    




    This should give you some ideas anyway. You can also lookup INSTEAD OF triggers in BOL(books on line)

  • Jack Corbett (5/14/2008)

    SQL Server does not have before triggers. In SQL Server you would use an after trigger and then use the virtual inserted and deleted tables. I will post an example later. You are using SQL Server, not DB2?

    Well - they're sometimes referred to as "BEFORE" triggers, since that's where they occur...but the official name is an INSTEAD OF trigger. INSTEAD OF triggers can be set up to make an action happen prior to actual insertion (i.e. a true BEFORE trigger), or to prevent/modify the insertion.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt Miller (5/14/2008)

    Jack Corbett (5/14/2008)

    SQL Server does not have before triggers. In SQL Server you would use an after trigger and then use the virtual inserted and deleted tables. I will post an example later. You are using SQL Server, not DB2?

    Well - they're sometimes referred to as "BEFORE" triggers, since that's where they occur...but the official name is an INSTEAD OF trigger. INSTEAD OF triggers can be set up to make an action happen prior to actual insertion (i.e. a true BEFORE trigger), or to prevent/modify the insertion.


    My understanding of INSTEAD OF triggers is that they "intercept" the action and perform another action, so the original action could never actually be done. Having only seriously worked with SQL Server, I do not really know BEFORE triggers, but my understanding, correct me if I am wrong, is that they ALWAYS finish the original action (barring or course an error in the trigger that causes a rollback). This is the difference between SQL Server's INSTEAD OF triggers and true BEFORE triggers.

  • awesome I will give that a try, that looks close to what i'm looking for..thanks a bunch

  • Jack Corbett (5/14/2008)

    Matt Miller (5/14/2008)

    Jack Corbett (5/14/2008)

    SQL Server does not have before triggers. In SQL Server you would use an after trigger and then use the virtual inserted and deleted tables. I will post an example later. You are using SQL Server, not DB2?

    Well - they're sometimes referred to as "BEFORE" triggers, since that's where they occur...but the official name is an INSTEAD OF trigger. INSTEAD OF triggers can be set up to make an action happen prior to actual insertion (i.e. a true BEFORE trigger), or to prevent/modify the insertion.


    My understanding of INSTEAD OF triggers is that they "intercept" the action and perform another action, so the original action could never actually be done. Having only seriously worked with SQL Server, I do not really know BEFORE triggers, but my understanding, correct me if I am wrong, is that they ALWAYS finish the original action (barring or course an error in the trigger that causes a rollback). This is the difference between SQL Server's INSTEAD OF triggers and true BEFORE triggers.

    It does intercept the original action, but if you "reissue" the action from within the trigger - it will complete. Reissuing=creating an insert command based on the INSERTED table (and no - this doesn't retrigger the INSTEAD OF trigger).

    But yes - the other distinctions are well noted. They ultimately are NOT the same as the BEFORE trigger from Oracle or DB2 (although the ability to "override" the value in a BEFORE UPDATE trigger kind of opens the door to "cancelling the update".) It does allow you to kind of emulate its behavior however, so it's why you might hear it referred to as the BEFORE trigger.

    For example - if I wanted to "override" a specific field....

    [font="Courier New"]CREATE TRIGGER ins_emp ON emp INSTEAD OF INSERT



       INSERT emp (empid1,empid2,name1,name2,joindate)

       SELECT empid1,empid2,name1,name2,GETDATE()-1 FROM inserted



    And note that that really isn't 2 operations since the first insert technically hasn't happened.....

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • I believe INSTEAD OF means just that... if you do not do your Insert/Update/Delete in the Trigger, it does not get done. An Insert/Update/Delete will not be done automatically after the Instead of Trigger fires if there are no other triggers involved.


  • Is there a way to do this to a specific record when a portion of that record changes? I keep getting errors when I try the above solutions cause I'm trying to edit multiple records. Really I only need to record the changes for a particular record. For example of I have a ticket 12344 and it has values for AgrPkey=V and some changes it to AgrPkey=B, I want to record in a different table what it was before and what it is after. Any help will be cool. Thanks

  • Is there a special record combination you are looking for? Do you want 2 rows before and after or 1 row with before and after columns for specific columns?

    You can do one of the triggers I noted and also store the deleted record and the inserted record using the inserted and deleted tables if you do a union query and insert the records from the inserted table in the second select.

    If you post some schema, test data, and desired outcomes we can test the triggers as well. See the link in my signature for a tip on how to post test data.

  • --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable


    Ticket INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    AgreeId INT,

    LocId INT,

    Customer nvarchar(50),

    Type nvarchar(50)


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (Ticket, AgreeId, LocId, Customer, Type)

    SELECT '177987','2206','1103','Bobs BBQ','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177988','3123','1345','Bobs Box of Toys','K' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177980','2111','1654','Bobs Burgers','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177990','1206','1289','Bobs Bakery','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177991','3206','3241','Bobs Bar','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177992','2223','3621','Bobs Shanty','M' UNION ALL

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    What I'm ultimately looking to do is if someone changes the AgreeId on ticket 177987 to 4126 I want to record in a separate table the following:

    INSERT INTO TicketMasterHistory

    (Ticket, AgreeId, LocId, Customer, Type, NewAgreeId, NewLocId)


    (177987,2206,1103,'Bobs BBQ', 'M', 4126, 1265)

    Hope this helps, any help will be appreciated. Right now i'm doing this in ASP, but I would like to have a more global solution rather then having to retype the code in every page that has the potential to make a change.


  • mbender (5/28/2008)

    What I'm ultimately looking to do is if someone changes the AgreeId on ticket 177987 to 4126 I want to record in a separate table the following:

    INSERT INTO TicketMasterHistory

    (Ticket, AgreeId, LocId, Customer, Type, NewAgreeId, NewLocId)


    (177987,2206,1103,'Bobs BBQ', 'M', 4126, 1265)

    Where did the 1265 (NewLocId) come from in this result? Here is what I put together using your test information:

    [font="Courier New"]--===== If the test table already exists, drop it

         IF OBJECT_ID('test.mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE test.mytable

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE test.mytable


            Ticket         INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

            AgreeId INT,

            LocId      INT,

            Customer NVARCHAR(50),

            TYPE NVARCHAR(50)


    --===== If the test history table already exists, drop it

         IF OBJECT_ID('test.mytable_history','U') IS NOT NULL

            DROP TABLE test.mytable_history

    --===== Create the test history table with

    CREATE TABLE test.mytable_history


            Ticket INT, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

            AgreeId INT,

            LocId      INT,

            Customer NVARCHAR(50),

            TYPE NVARCHAR(50),

            NewAgreeId INT,

            NewLocId INT


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column

        SET IDENTITY_INSERT test.mytable ON

    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO test.mytable

           (Ticket, AgreeId, LocId, Customer, TYPE)

    SELECT '177987','2206','1103','Bobs BBQ','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177988','3123','1345','Bobs Box of Toys','K' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177980','2111','1654','Bobs Burgers','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177990','1206','1289','Bobs Bakery','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177991','3206','3241','Bobs Bar','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177992','2223','3621','Bobs Shanty','M'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT test.mytable OFF

    -- create the trigger

    CREATE TRIGGER test.trg_MyTable_upd ON test.MyTable



    IF UPDATE(AgreeId) -- remove this if you want to log changes other than to AgreeID


            INSERT INTO test.mytable_history







                    I.AgreeID AS NewAgreeId,

                    I.LocID AS NewLocID


                    inserted I JOIN -- new record

                    deleted D ON -- existing record

                        I.Ticket = D.Ticket AND

                        I.AgreeID <> D.AgreeID -- this ensures that AgreeID was changed


    -- now update


        UPDATE test.MyTable

               SET AgreeId  = 4126,

                    LocId = 1265


            Ticket = 177987


    -- return history record

    SELECT * FROM test.MyTable_History

    -- history result

    Ticket   AgreeId LocID    Customer      TYPE     NewAgreeId  NewLocId

    177987   2206    1103     Bobs BBQ      M        4126        1265


  • I think this will do what you are after and will handle multiple updates.


    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE mytable

    IF OBJECT_ID('TicketMasterHistory','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE TicketMasterHistory

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE mytable


    Ticket INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    AgreeId INT,

    LocId INT,

    Customer nvarchar(50),

    Type nvarchar(50))

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE TicketMasterHistory



    AgreeId INT,

    LocId INT,

    Customer nvarchar(50),

    Type nvarchar(50),

    NewAgreeId INT,

    NewLocId INT)


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test table

    INSERT INTO mytable

    (Ticket, AgreeId, LocId, Customer, Type)

    SELECT '177987','2206','1103','Bobs BBQ','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177988','3123','1345','Bobs Box of Toys','K' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177980','2111','1654','Bobs Burgers','B' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177990','1206','1289','Bobs Bakery','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177991','3206','3241','Bobs Bar','M' UNION ALL

    SELECT '177992','2223','3621','Bobs Shanty','M'

    --===== Set the identity insert back to normal


    IF OBJECT_ID('updatetk','TR') IS NOT NULL

    DROP Trigger updatetk


    create trigger updatetk on mytable after update

    -- Update trigger to record changes made to AgreeId


    IF UPDATE(AgreeId)


    INSERT INTO TicketMasterHistory

    (Ticket, AgreeId, LocId, Customer, Type, NewAgreeId, NewLocId)

    SELECT d.Ticket, d.AgreeId, d.LocId, d.Customer, d.Type, i.AgreeId, i.LocId

    FROM deleted d

    JOIN inserted i on d.Ticket = i.Ticket



    UPDATE mytable SET AgreeId=4126

    where Ticket=177987

    select * from mytable

    select * from TicketMasterHistory

  • What Jack said. Looks like I am much slower than him.


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