Report Builder not showing on SSRS

  • When my user account is added to a folder in Reporting Services I don't see the Report Builder button. We have tried adding the user with full permissions both to the folder and to the root/Home as well.

    Other users have the same permissions and are in the same domain and see the button.

    The same user account on our test SSRS server sees the Report Builder button. The only difference is the user account is a member of a group and that group has the permissions needed.

  • In Report Manager, in the upper right portion of the screen, you will see a link for Site Settings. Click this link, then look for the Security Section. Click the link for Configure Site-Wide Security. Ensure that your account has the necessary permissions to access Report Builder.

  • Patrick,

    (I'm the DBA working with Todd - I suggested he sign up and pose the question on here). There is no "Site Settings" visible anywhere on our SSRS pages. My group is configured with Full permissions on the site (as is Todd).

  • Simon -

    there are 2 sites that get created in an SSRS setup. One is the "Report Manager virtual directory" and one is the "Report Server virtual directory". the site settings and report builder are under the "Report Manager" virtual directory.

    If you don't those buttons, etc... I'd recommend going into the SSRS configuration, click "New" under report manager virtual dir., pick a new name, then tell it to apply the default settings to it.

    don't reuse an existing one - give it a chance to "get it" before throwing other things in there.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • If you don't see the "Site Settings" options in the right corner then it sounds like you don't have admin rights to the site (I am assuming you can see the actual web page for RS).

    Are you running this on Vista? You need to do some additional setup first in order to gain admin privileges. You can find instructions here:

  • Todd and I both have full rights on the site - Browser, Content Manager, My Reports, Publisher, Report Builder; am I missing something here?

  • Try this:


  • Can you manage the report server using SSMS? In SSMS you can connect to a report server and manage security from within SSMS.

  • Is the site prompting you to log in? Meaning - is anonymous access turned on in the Virt. Dir. settings? if it is - turn it off. If anonymous access is enabled - it will use that over the other methods and will NOT use your credentials (it will give you guest access, etc...)

    for better or worse - it's not picking up on your credentials, or the fact that you should have full access. I probably wouldn't use anything other than digest or integrated, since it will force login each time.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • The permission you need to see the report bulder button is called "Execute Report Definitions" and it is available to the system users role in SSRS under site settings.

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