Kerberos authentication inconsistently selected with SQL Server 2005

  • We have an issue with configuring Kerberos authentication with SQL server 2005. We have a situration where Client PC calls SQL Server and SQL Server calls MS Analysis Services 2005.

    Client OS: Windows XP Professional SP2

    SQL Server OS: Windows 2003 R2 Standard Edition SP2

    Client SQL version: SQL Server 2005 Client SP2 Build 9.00.3024

    Server SQL version: SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition SP2 Build 9.00.3054

    I'm not posting the information for the analysis server as we've narrowed down the broken piece is from the Client to the SQL Server. Once we resolved it, it works all the way through.

    Here is the issue:

    - when I log on the Client pc with my Windows credentail and then log in to SSMS with Windows authentication and verify the authentication using the following query:

    select net_transport, auth_scheme from sys.dm_exec_connections where session_id=@@spid;

    it returns TCP NTLM

    - when I log on the Client pc with my Windows credential and then log in to SSMS using 'run as' instead with the same Windows credential I used to logon to the pc and run the same query, it returns TCP Kerberos.

    When it returns Kerberos, everything works.

    It's really puzzling me. Shouldn't they return the same result as they use the same credential and Windows authentication from the same pc and to the same server? What's different is the 2nd approach adds an extra step to use run as instead of taking the credential directly passed in from Window logon. I've asked another couple of users to test this. They have the same problem.

    What am I missing here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • My understanding is as follows:


    When you directly use SQL Server and login, you just use Integrated Windows Authentication

    But if you use run as (Irrespective if you are giving your credential/some one's else), that credential is being wrapped and passed to server. So it needs kerbores to do that.

    I hope it answers you.

    To all other folks:


    Please correct me here if the above explanation is wrng.

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