July 15, 2008 at 10:32 pm
I have a math problem, but I can't seem to think of an approach to do it programmatically either in sql or vb.net. So I'll discuss the sql side.
I have a table called SCORES. In this table I have the following columns: sID, Assignment, Category, Score.
sID=student's id
Assignment=name of assignment
Category=type of assignment (Classwork, homework, test...)
Score=score student received on assignment
In the app, Categories are weighted. Classwork is 30% of total grade, Homework is 15%, Quiz 15%, and tests 40%.
The normal way to calculate final grade is:
(Average Classwork total * 30%) + (Average HW total *15%) + (Av. Quiz * 15%) + (Av. Tests * 40%) = Final Grade.
However, I need to do a score normalization. Score normalization takes into account the fact that there is no scores for a particular category. For example, if there were not any test scores recorded yet and I needed to calculate the final grade, the mathematical formula for score normalization is:
[(Av Category1 total * weight value1) + (Av Category2 total * weight value2)...] / (weight value1 + weight value2...)
For example, if a student has only two classwork grades and one homework grade, his score will be normalized as follows:
Classwork grades: 90, 90
Homework grades: 80
Classwork average: (90+90)/2 = 90
Homework average: 80/1=80
Final Grade= [(90 * .30) + (80 * .15)] / (.30 + .15)
Final Grade= 87%
I'm a little stuck on how to approach a normalization problem, particularly programming it to only divide by the total weighted values. If anyone has ever done these types of calculations I'd appreciate any help. I tried to write the calculation myself, but I don't know how to deal with null values when a certain category doesn't have any scores, which in the end affects how many weighted values are added and used to divide by.
Hope anyone can help.
Thanks a lot.
July 16, 2008 at 7:07 am
I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to provide a answer/sample.
I can give you a hint though: probably you can use the COUNT to see how many scores are available. The COUNT function counts all values in a column except NULL values.
July 16, 2008 at 7:38 am
is your problem sorted yet?
I agree with the previous writer, but alternatively:
in your vb code, retrieve the resultset with your data;
in the transformation of this data, that is, where you apply the logic, follow the following idea:
loop through your column values, and if a column value is null, you do nothing, but if it has a value, you increment an integer value, lets say "count".
then, when you finished looping, you will have your count to divide by.:P
July 16, 2008 at 7:49 am
My wife is a teacher. Try this
Select sID,
ClassWork, Homework, Quiz, Test,
cast(round(((Cwt + Hwt + Qwt + TWt) / Denominator), 0) as int) as Average
(Select sID,
Classwork, Homework, Quiz, Test,
isnull(Classwork, 0) * .3 as CWt,
isnull(Homework, 0) * .15 as HWt,
isnull(Quiz, 0) * .15 as QWt,
isnull(Test, 0) * .4 as TWt,
case when classwork is Null then 0 else .3 end +
case when Homework is Null then 0 else .15 end +
case when Quiz is Null then 0 else .15 end +
case when Test is Null then 0 else .4 end as Denominator
( Select sID, Category, Score
from Scores
) Scr
( Avg(Score)
FOR Category IN
( [Classwork], [Homework], [Quiz], [Test] )
) AS pvt
) as calc
July 16, 2008 at 8:09 am
Break the calculations up.
Something like this might do it:
Portions ([Type], Weight) as
Replace this CTE with a table in the real app.
This is for proof of concept only.
These numbers should not be hard coded in a proc, should be table-driven.
--Classwork is 30% of total grade, Homework is 15%, Quiz 15%, and tests 40%
(select 'Classwork', cast(.3) as float
union all
select 'Homework', .15
union all
select 'Quiz', .15
union all
select 'Tests', .4),
TypesAvail ([Type]) -- Types for given student
(select distinct category
from dbo.Scores
where [SID] = @SID_in), -- Assumed input parameter
TotalAvail (Tot) as
(select sum(weight)
from portions
inner join typesavail
on portions.type = typesavail.type)
Weights ([Type], Weight) as
(select [type], Weight/Tot
from TypesAvail
inner join Portions
on Portions.Type = TypesAvail.Type
cross join TotalAvail),
StudentScores (Category, TotScore) as
(select category, cast(sum(score) as float)
from dbo.Scores
where [SID] = @SID_in) -- Same assumed input parameter
select Category, TotScore * Weight
from Weights
inner join StudentScores
on [Type] = Category
Property of The Thread
"Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon
July 16, 2008 at 9:14 am
In my submission using SQL pivot, you could replace the first occurrence of denominator with
case when Denominator = 0 then 1 else Denominator end
to handle cases where you have set up all the assignements but have not entered a single grade of any kind for a given student.
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