Concatenate field values

  • OK, here goes:

    there is a 3rd party windows app which uses sql2005 to store data. in the app is a text box which when multiple lines are used is writes them back as individual records.

    So, table name - "tblDetails" has following fields:

    WoNumber - key

    LineNumber - multiples of 10,000 - so line 1 - 10000, line 2 = 20000 etc...

    Detail - the text on that line

    I am writing a web front end for it. what I want to do is retrieve the record, e.g.

    Select [detail] from tblDetails WHERE [WoNumber] = '12345'

    But the part i am having difficulty with is I want to join the details from each record into one field, so:



    hoping the screenshot will make things clearer

    any advice appreciated.



  • Do not have you stored proc/data tier wast time doing this. Have the middle tier do this for you. Its not a super efficient process for that tier, but it is a good balancing act for this type of scenario. You may want to look at the PIVOT keyword in SQL 2005 if this must be done in TSQL.

  • Hi Eric, thanks for the reply, can you suggest how you would do this without using T-SQL? I have taken a quick look at PIVOT but doesnt seem the most intuitive to pick up.



  • You can use something like this to append the bits together...

    --sample data

    declare @t table (WoNumber varchar(20), LineNumber int, Detail varchar(100))

    insert @t

    select 'SVO0002349', 10000, 'a '

    union all select 'SVO0002349', 20000, 'b '

    union all select 'SVO0002349', 30000, 'c '

    union all select 'SVO0002349', 40000, 'd'

    union all select 'x', 10000, 'aaaaa aaaaaa '

    union all select 'x', 20000, 'bbb bbb bbb'


    select WoNumber,

    (select '' + Detail from @t where WoNumber = a.WoNumber order by LineNumber for xml path('')) as Detail

    from @t a group by WoNumber

    /* results

    WoNumber Detail

    -------------------- ---------------------------------

    SVO0002349 a b c d

    x aaaaa aaaaaa bbb bbb bbb


    I'm with Eric though.

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.


    SET @details = ''

    DECLARE @lineNumbers AS VARCHAR(MAX)

    SET @lineNumbers = ''

    SELECT @details = @details + Detail + ', ', @lineNumbers = @lineNumbers + CAST(LineNumber AS VARCHAR) + ', ' FROM tblDetails WHERE WoNumber = '12345'

    SELECT @details, @lineNumbers

  • Thanks to everyone for there advice and code samples - I have it working now.

    Massive help. Thanks, Jamie.

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