Email Verification?!

  • We often send mailshots to our clients regarding new products (these clients have to register with us before anyone acuses me of being a spamer!!)

    Often some email addresses will fail because they are invalid or because someone has typed them incorrectly dd@dd,com (rather than .)

    I have a program which I can link with SQL and it will check all the addresses in the table and update a 'valid' (bit) field and a 'log' (varchar(max)) field - which is really great, however, the program cannot be scheduled!!

    With quite a few email addresses being added both by customers themselves and inhouse over the phone it would be really great if I could schedule it to run overnight and 'clense' the database.

    So... does anyone know any programs which would do this, OR (long shot!) can any of this be achieved in SQL?

    The program I am using is

  • Hi,

    you say the program cannot be scheduled. Why is that? Is it a GUI driven application that requires user interfacing each time it runs, or have you just not found a way to schedule it?

    You could try either Windows Scheduled Tasks, or use SQL Server Agent and create a job to call the program from the command line.

    If those don't work you can always try Autoit : It is a scripting program that imitates a user clicking and typing on a computer. You create the script and then schedule the script to run when you need it. It doesn't cost anything either!





  • GermanDBA - yes, the program does require a sequence of mouse clicks to process the group in question unfortinatly.

    I have looked on their forum and the topic of scheduling has came up a couple of times - in both cases the manufacturer states that no scheduling is built in and that the software does not have a command line interface.

    I looked at something which would record keystrokes yesterday and found something - however, it was not free - so I think I will give your link a look - many thanks!

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