SQL 2005 Restores Stuck in (Restoring...) Mode

  • I'm doing test restores and my SQL 2005 restores keep getting stuck in (Restoring...) mode. I'm doing a simple test from one SQL 2005 server to another using a basic database (actually any database).

    The wierd thing is that SQL says the restore "Completed Successfully" and yet I see the (Restoring...) message. Here's the error I get when I attempt to open the restored DB, "Database 'test2' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 927)".

  • Please state what steps and options you are selecting in the restore steps. Specifics help in diagnosing issues :):)

  • When you restored did you leave in a NORECOVEY or STANBY state?

    Try: Restore database DBName with Recovery

    Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable - Mark Twain

  • Thanks to all who replied. It turns out this is a normal state when using NO RECOVERY and setting up for Mirroring. Once the mirrored db is created, then the status changes to (Mirror, Synchronized/Restoring). Thanks.

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