SQL Server 2005, no 9.0 engine???

  • Hey guys... we had ran into this problem awhile back, and this is a really freaky problem. A lot of DBA's who I show this to are stunned, so I thought I would let you guys give it a go.

    We did an upgrade months back from SQL Server 2000 to 2005. We did all of the prerequisites, and compatibility tests. There were no issues, and the upgrade went extremely smooth (Kinda scary). Once we upgraded we assumed all of the Databases had been converted to the 9.0 engine. The upgrade even went through the "Upgrading Databases" step which took quite some time. Once it was finished, SQL Server ran wonderfully... the only problem is not only did the databases not upgrade, but if you pull up the properties on any of these databases, you don't even have the option for 9.0 on the drop down for the database compatibility level. Furthermore, when you connect to the database server in management studio, the version of the server is also 8.0. All of the tools and the interface is definitely SQL Server 2005, so I do not know what we are missing.

    We are going to backup our databases, uninstall sql server completely, reinstall a fresh 2005 version and then try to import our databases.... HOWEVER if anyone has a simpler idea, I would love to hear it. Even if we do wind up doing to the reinstall, I would just love to know what would cause this... it just kind of bugs us.

  • Mike Menser (3/28/2008)

    There were no issues, and the upgrade went extremely smooth (Kinda scary).

    Sounds like it didn't really go as smoothly as you'd thought:cool:

    If the server version is showing up as 8 then the upgrade didn't quite happen. Looks like the tools were installed but that's it. Try and do a select * from sys.objects. I think I already know what you'll get but that should confirm for sure that it didn't upgrade.

    As for possible reason - couldn't say as I've never encountered this before.

    But for sure, I'd do a fresh install and restore the databases - that should upgrade the databases automatically after the restore.

  • Man... I was really hoping some SQL Genius out there would be like... oh yea I have seen this, here is the easy fix. I guess not...

    As far as your query, what database should I be on for that query? sys.objects is not recognized as far as I could tell. If you were refering to sysobjects, which information did you wanna see from the output? Unless I am just misunderstanding you...?

  • Mike - what does SELECT @@VERSION tell you? That will tell you what database engine you're running. I'm sorry to say - I suspect it's going to say 2000.

    2005 renamed a bunch of their sysSOMETHING system tables/views into sys.SOMETHING. The fact that those aren't recognized is part of the fact that you're not in the right compatibility mode.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)

    Well I mean I knew that much, but I thought maybe there was a way to just upgrade database engine without reinstalling the entire SQL Server Instance. I know that I will not get that lucky, but it was worth a shot.

  • Mike Menser (3/28/2008)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86)

    Well I mean I knew that much, but I thought maybe there was a way to just upgrade database engine without reinstalling the entire SQL Server Instance. I know that I will not get that lucky, but it was worth a shot.

    You could try and do the upgrade again but the fact that it didn't work once would worry me as to the state of the installation so it's probably best to do a fresh install.

    In SQL 2005 there's a management view called sys.objects (along with various others) and I was wondering if that had been created when you attempted the upgrade.

  • Are you sure you didn't accidentally install a named SQL 2005 instance or something instead of upgrading?

    The Redneck DBA

  • Can you find anything in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap

    Take a look at the logfiles of your install processes (even if they seem cryptic).

    And make sure you're connected to the correct instance !!


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  • Talk about the day from hell... we were on the phone with MS for about 8 hours today. Each time they tried to resolve a problem, it ran into one of our other seemingly not connected issues that we HAD to resolve in order to get everything functional. As it stands we are less functional then when we started. Originally, we could run reports, but we couldn't print from the report viewer. We had to export then print. Now we cannot run or even see our reports from within CRM, and any custom reports cannot even be ran through reportserver's URL. We installed RS 2005 instead of the 2000 instance we had. That made things worse and we couldn't run any reports. Then we realized it was because of the bad installation of SQL server 2005. We had to install a second instance of SQL Server 2005 that really WAS 2005 in order to host the reportserver DB. So that worked kinda... but then we got all these really odd errors. 'Pages' errors, and then finally this ASP error when running the report from in CRM. Some of the other weird things... now we cannot upload reports in CRM because of an error that changes everytime you try. You can upload reports to the reportserver through the URL, but when you browse to the MSCRM folder to put the reports in for use with CRM, you lose the button that allows you to upload reports. We ran the report deployment command line utility and were able to re-deploy all of the out of the box reports (Which none of which we use) but we could not include any of the custom reports because we got a permissions error that was very cryptic. The MS tech said he had never seen an incident like this. My head hurts, but we will rejoin MS in the pursuit of happiness on Monday.

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