Select from view differs from its definition

  • What would cause a view to behave differently when its defining SELECT statement is run versus when you SELECT * FROM dbo.VIEWNAME?

    I have a view which takes about two and a half minutes to run when I execute it's defining SELECT, but 15+ minutes when selecting from it by name. The (estimated) execution plans are identical.

  • Well I copied my SELECT * FROM dbo.VIEWNAME into a different query window and boom, 2.5 minutes. I may have had that query window open for a day or two, but still a strange behavior.:crazy:

  • Depending on the view, it's possible that you have cached the data after the first run and the second runs faster.

    Without more information, it's hard to tell what might be wrong.

  • The results were consistent across multiple runs. It had to be some left-over resources or something tied to the original query window. I guess I'll just have to remember to reconnect when strange things like that happen.

  • Execution plans changed because of a recompile? That's a pretty likely possibility.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
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    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • More likely, since you said you had the window open for days, the data in the tables the view references changed. Doesn't take a lot... if your execution plan managed to stay cached all that time, it could have been for a relative handful of rows and suddenly the tables are bigger... same execution plan gets used and BOOM... slow query.

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