System Tables

  • Hi,

    Please could I have some help, I’m trying to find out about system tables

    Well the syslogin and sysusers

    Does on of them store Windows logins and does on store SQL logins?

    Also is there a table that I can assess to get Active Directory Details/Logins.

    And maybe map them to the SQL and Windows Logins.


  • You can see all the logins on the server using the system view sys.server_principals. It's the 2005 replacement for syslogins.

    SELECT * FROM sys.server_principals WHERE type IN ('u', 'S')

    sysusers on SQL 2000 contained information about the database users (as opposed to the server logins) and is now replaced by sys.database_principals

    SELECT * FROM sys.database_principals WHERE type IN ('u', 'S')

    Hope that helps

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • The syslogins table stores server logins and the sysusers table stores the users of a database. They both contain a mix of Windows and SQL logins. I'm not sure what you mean by map AD logins to Windows logins as they are the same thing. You can't map a Windows login to a SQL login by definition, they are different. If you are looking to map server logins to database users then look at the sys.server_principals and sys.database_principals tables, joining on the SID.

  • Thanks Guys,

    Much Appreciated.:)

  • You would like to map AD login i.e. you would like to use window login alongwith sql server login. The only option for this is use Mix mode security.

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