MS SQL Server - what all needs to be monitored using NMS

  • Hi, I wanna know what all needs to be monitored in a MS SQL Server through NMS from a Customer Service provider point of view.

    Apart from the CPU Usage, Memory usege etc... what are the other vital things that needs to be monitored.

    Please let me know.

  • Couple things. First, what version? Second, what's NMS?, third, please post in the appropriate forum. I'm moving to SQL 2005, Performance.

    For monitoring, I just do the basics for a baseline. CPU %, Memory reads/sec, Disk I/O for each physical drive, users and transactions/sec. If there's something wrong, I might dig in more.

    Do not set alerts unless you know what your baselines are. SQL will jump to 100% CPU at times and that's normal based on activity.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply, it was well informative.

    I will get back with more details.

    BTW, NMS is Network Management Software.


  • there must be a clue in there somewhere? Network Management - you need a sql server management/monitoring tool. I use Idera SQL Diagnostic Manager - excellent product. What you monitor relates to the use of your server and then what you might or might not do or be able to do given a raised alert. e.g. cpu, let us say you raise an alert at over 80% , given an alert on the very busy production system - lets say a banking system what would you actually propose to do?

    I'm a great believer in monitoring and trending sql server(s) but I will take delight in tearing to bits users/admins who add alerts and monitoring but have no idea on what they're actually seeing, what it means or what you should do about it, assuming that you actually can.

    So workout what and why and what your response will be - don't just spam yourself with messages - you might find it's better to collect and analyse stats for trending rather than enabling lots of alerts.

    btw. one of my favourites is a memory alert set on a sql server with awe enabled!!

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • I dont know what is NMS

    I monitor nCPU, IO and locks using this:

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