OpenRowSet / LinkedServer Question

  • Hi,

    I have the following query (see below), it works, however, the DBA team have told me that they will take away the use of OPENROWSET. and have advised that I use LinkedServers instead. Okay, so this is gospel and I have no comeback.

    How can I use a linked server to do this? I know how to set them up and how to get data from and Excel file via Linked Servers, but the bit I'm having trouble with is specifying the cell range, ie: 'SELECT * FROM A5:B20'. I can't alter the Excel file and give it a named range.

    Any ideas? also the A5:B20 part is calculated using some wierd function provided by a different team, so the query below is actually dynamic sql! but I've just given the actual SQL below for simplicity.






    'Excel 8.0;


    'SELECT * FROM A5:B20'


    Thanks for any help.

  • Have you considered using SSIS for this?


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • Won't

    SELECT * FROM openquery(My_Excel, 'SELECT * FROM A5:B20')

    work once you have the server configured? Openrowset is an ad hoc linked server after all.


    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

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