Dynamic SQL Not working

  • I have the following code:

    If I use the 'All Active' @status it works fine but if I use and of the other @status option (See filter below) it does not return anything not even the @SQLstr string in the Select statement after the filter statements,even though there is a valid at least one valid record for each of the different @status.:crazy:

    DECLARE@AchieveLevelStart int


    DECLARE@LineStart varchar (10)

    DECLARE @LineEndvarchar(10)

    DECLARE@status varchar(10)

    DECLARE@GreaterThan Decimal





    SET @ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    SET @PeriodDate = GETDATE()

    Set @ConsultantID = '0000006'

    SET @AchieveLevelStart = 10

    SET @AchieveLevelEnd = 80

    SET @LineStart = '1'

    SET @LineEnd = '4'

    SET @status = 'New, Non Active Consultant'

    SET @GreaterThan = 0

    SET @LessThan = 20000

    -- All Active Filter

    IF (@Status = 'All Active')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    -- TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'TIB')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    -- Special TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'Special TIB')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    -- Special Grace Filter

    IF (@Status = 'Grace')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    SELECT @SQLstr

    -- New Filter

    IF (@Status = 'New, Non Active Consultant')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    SELECT @SQLstr

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Art

    You need to assign a value to the varchar variable @AND. Until you do, the value is NULL. Then read the following section in BOL: [SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL].

    You also need to place each conditional code block within a begin/end.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • @And is being assigned above the filter block;

    IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@LessThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@GreaterThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' AND '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • ok.

    Looks to me like the 2nd/3rd and 4th filter blocks are exactly the same - is this correct?

    It helps to see all of the code - I can see @AND being DECLAREd and used, but can't see where it's being assigned a value.

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • IF (@Status = 'All Active')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    I think you have your IF statement in the wrong location. Aren't you looking for something more like..

    SET @SQLStr='SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active=1'

    IF @status<>'All Active'


    SET @SQLStr=@SQLStr+.....

    .. The rest of your dymanic code



  • This is the entire code:

    USE [TSDataWarehouse]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [consultantreports].[uspS_DownlineCoaching] Script Date: 01/17/2008 09:09:11 ******/






    STORED PROC: [consultantreports].[uspS_DownlineCoaching]

    DESCRIPTION:returns the downline coaching view for a given consultant with current

    demographic information

    EXAMPLE:EXEC [consultantreports].[uspS_DownlineCoaching] '0000003','50','70'


    Error NumberFailure



















    DECLARE@AchieveLevelStart int


    DECLARE@LineStart varchar (10)

    DECLARE @LineEndvarchar(10)

    DECLARE@status varchar(10)

    DECLARE@GreaterThan Decimal





    SET @ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    SET @PeriodDate = GETDATE()

    Set @ConsultantID = '0000006'

    SET @AchieveLevelStart = 10

    SET @AchieveLevelEnd = 80

    SET @LineStart = '1'

    SET @LineEnd = '4'

    SET @status = 'All Active'

    SET @GreaterThan = 0

    SET @LessThan = 20000

    -- Achieve Level Filter

    SET @AchieveLevelStart = @AchieveLevelStart

    SET @AchieveLevelEnd = @AchieveLevelEnd

    -- Downline level filter

    SET @LineStart=@LineStart

    SET @LineEnd= @LineEnd

    -- Status Filter

    SET @status = @status -- 'Inactive', 'All'

    -- Sales level Filter

    SET @GreaterThan = @GreaterThan

    SET @LessThan = @LessThan

    -- String that holds the AND statment for the

    -- Sales level filter.


    -- String that hold the SQL Execution statement

    SET @SQLStr = NULL

    -- Declare Local Variables

    Declare @MonthStartDt As DateTime

    DECLARE @MonthEndDt AS DateTime

    DECLARE @QuarterStartDtASDateTime

    DECLARE @QuarterEndDt AS DateTime

    Declare @YearASDateTime

    Declare @PeriodStartDt As DateTime

    Declare @PeriodEndDt as DateTime

    -- Breakdown @PeriodDate into Quarter and Months

    SET @QuarterStartDt = DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, 0, @periodDate), 0)

    Set @QuarterEndDt = DATEADD(quarter, DATEDIFF(quarter, -1, @PeriodDate), -1)

    SET @Year = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,@PeriodStartDt), 0)

    SET @MonthStartDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @PeriodDate), 0)

    Set @MonthEndDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, -1, @PeriodDate), -1);

    IF @MonthEndDt > GETDATE()


    SET @MonthEndDt = GETDATE()


    -- Declare the Downline Recursive Query

    With downline (ConsultantID,EffectiveDate, ConsultantName,DownLineLevel,

    ConsultantXId,BumpupDate, DeactivationDate,CurrentLevelAchieveDate,

    CurrentLevelXID, Active, BillToAddressLine1



    EmailAddress,SponsorXID, StatusID,NACDate )



    -- Anchor member defintion



    ,A.FirstName + ' ' + A.LastName as ConsultantName

    ,0 as DownLineLevel




















    FROM dbo.uvwConsultantDownLine A

    WHERE A.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    AND @MonthEndDt Between a.EffectiveDate and A.EffectiveEndDate -- 1 Record


    --Recursive member definition



    ,A.FirstName + ' ' + A.LastName as ConsultantName

    ,DownLineLevel + 1




















    FROM dbo.uvwConsultantDownLine AS A


    A.SponsorID = B.ConsultantID

    WHERE @MonthEndDt Between a.EffectiveDate and A.EffectiveEndDate

    ) -- Appropriate records

    -- Create the Temp table #Downline that returns the CTE results

    SELECT A.DownLineLevel



    ,UPPER(RTRIM(A.ConsultantName)) AS ConsultantName

    ,D.Title AS AchievedTitle




















    INTO #Downline

    FROM DownLine AS A

    LEFT OUTER JOIN SharedDimension.dbo.DimConsultantTitle AS D ON

    A.CurrentLevelXID = D.XID

    GROUP BY A.ConsultantID

























    'OrigConsID' = @ConsultantID

    ,(Select ConsultantName FROM #Downline d

    WHERE D.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID) AS 'OrigConsName'





    ,ISNULL(Convert(Char(10),D.BumpupDate,101),'') as BumpupDate




    ,ISNULL(CONVERT(CHAR(10),D.CurrentLevelAchieveDate,101),'') AS AchieveDate


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @QuarterStartDt And @QuarterEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS QuarterToDate_total


    WHEN O.OrderCreateDate Between @MonthStartDt And @MonthEndDt THEN O.PartOneTotal

    ELSE 0

    END),0) AS MonthToDate_Total











    ,ISNULL(r.RepFlag,' ')AS RepFlag




    ,'No_Of_Parties' = 0

    ,Convert(varchar(10),D.NACDate,101) AS AgreementDate

    INTO #DlFiltered from #Downline D

    LEFT OUTER JOIN uvw_DownlineOrder O ON D.ConsultantID = O.ConsultantID

    LEFT Outer JOIN Repromotes r ON d.ConsultantID = r.ConsultantID AND r.repflag = 'X'

    WHERE (D.Active = 1) OR (D.DeactivationDate BETWEEN @MonthStartDt AND @MonthEndDt)

    AND r.AchieveLevel >= 4

    GROUP BY D.ConsultantID ,D.Downlinelevel
























    -- Drop the temp table

    --DROP TABLE #Downline

    -- Set up And clause for Sales amount filter.

    IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total >= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@LessThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@GreaterThan IS NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total <= ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    ELSE IF (@GreaterThan IS NOT NULL) AND (@LessThan IS NOT NULL)

    SELECT @And = ' AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@GreaterThan) + ' AND '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20),@LessThan) + ' '

    -- All Active Filter

    CASE @status ='All Active'


    IF (@Status = 'All Active')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    -- TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'TIB')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    -- Special TIB Filter

    IF (@Status = 'Special TIB')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    -- Special Grace Filter

    IF (@Status = 'Grace')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    SELECT @SQLstr

    -- New Filter

    IF (@Status = 'New, Non Active Consultant')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    SELECT @SQLstr

    --SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active In (0,1) AND CurrentLevelXID >= 20 AND DownlineLevel IN (SELECT * FROM dbo.ParseByComma(1))AND MonthToDate_Total = 400

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQLstr;

    DROP TABLE #Downline

    DROP TABLE #DLFiltered

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Upon further investigation, I don't think the IF statements are working or the string concatenation is not doing it job:


    IF (@Status = 'Grace')

    Select @SQLStr

    --SET @SQLStr = ' AND StatusID= ' + CAST(@Status AS VARCHAR(20))

    Set @SQLStr = 'AND StatusID' +' = ''Grace'''

    --SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    Select @SQLstr

    Resulting string for @SQLStr coming into the IF statement which look like it duplicating values:

    SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN 0 AND 20000 AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN 10 AND 80 AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN 0 AND 20000 AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN 0 AND 20000

    Resulting string for @SQLstr coming out of the IF statement:

    AND StatusID = 'Grace' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN 10 AND 80 AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN 0 AND 20000

    Something is blowing up.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Could you post the DDL for the tables and some sample data? Read this article for more info on how to setup a script with test data: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Best+Practices/61537/



  • IF only determines if the statement is going to execute. Or the next batch of statements in a BEGIN END section. So in your code,

    IF (@Status = 'TIB')

    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND

    the IF will only affect the first SET statement. The other 2 will execute no matter what the variable equates to.

    Try this.

    IF (@Status = 'TIB')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 AND StatusID= ' + Convert(Varchar(20),@Status)

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND



  • I changed the filter to look like this:

    IF (@Status = 'Grace')


    SET @SQLStr = 'SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered WHERE Active = 1 '

    Set @SQLStr = @SQLstr + 'AND StatusID' +' = ''Grace'''

    SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + ' AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@AchieveLevelEnd )

    SET @SQlstr = @SQlstr + ' AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineStart ) + ' AND ' + CONVERT(Varchar(2),@LineEnd )+ @AND


    Resulting @SQLstr String is:

    SELECT * FROM #DLFiltered

    WHERE Active = 1

    AND StatusID = 'Grace'

    AND CurrentLevelXID BETWEEN 10 AND 80

    AND DownlineLevel BETWEEN 1 AND 4

    AND MonthToDate_Total BETWEEN 0 AND 20000

    This is correct because I can copy and paste it to a QA session and it runs. Yet when I run it in the script it does not return anything.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • I think I see what is happening, if the StatusID does not having a matching record in the table it is returning all Actives instead of an expected NULL recordset.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • I am being duuhhhhhh! The whole issue resolved itself when I lengthen the @status variable from 10 to 20. The blessed variable wasn't long enough. Thanks for everybodys help.:hehe:

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.

    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

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