VB6.0 and SQL 2005 database ado/recordset not supported

  • Hi,

    I have a visual basic 6.0 application running on Windows XP which accesses sql 2000 database. We tried to migrate our sql server 2000 database to sql server 2005 last week and encountered errors when trying to add a new record via VB app. The app works fine with SQL 2000 for last 7 years. Now as we are migrating to 2005 server we have problems.

    Here is my function to open a connection.

    Public Function OpenDatabaseConnection1()

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler

    Dim ADOERR As ADODB.Error

    Set objConn1 = New ADODB.Connection

    If objConn1.State = adStateClosed Then

    objConn1.Open DSNConnection

    End If

    Set objRs1 = New ADODB.Recordset

    objRs1.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

    objRs1.LockType = adLockOptimistic

    objRs1.Open "CheckMaster", objConn1, , , adCmdTable

    If objRs1.State = adStateClosed Then

    MsgBox "The SQL Server is not responding!."

    ServerStatus = False

    blnConnection = False


    blnConnection = True

    End If

    Set ADOERR = Nothing

    Exit Function


    If objConn1.Errors.Count > 0 Then

    Set ADOERR = objConn1.Errors(0)

    MsgBox ("The sql server not responding:" & ADOERR.Description & ADOERR.Source)


    MsgBox ("An error occurred:" & Err.Description & Err.Source)

    End If

    End Function

    Here is my function to add new record:

    Function AddRecord

    If objConn1.State = adStateOpen Then

    If objRs1.State = adStateOpen Then


    objRs1!Company = Company

    objRs1!CheckDate = recDate

    objRs1!ABANumber = ABANumber

    objRs1!CheckNumber = CheckNo

    objRs1!CheckingAcctNumber = CheckingAccount

    objRs1!CheckAmount = Amount

    objRs1!PayType = PayType

    objRs1!paydate = WireDate


    tempCheckId = objRs1!CheckId


    ' 'else display errors

    MsgBox "Connection to SQL recordset is not open.Please Close this batch and Try again."

    blnConnection = False

    End If


    blnConnection = False

    MsgBox "Connection to SQL database is not open. Please Close this batch and Try Again."

    End If

    End Function

    The first error I was getting on line where it says objRS.Addnew, is this:

    "-2147467259 Server "ServerName" is not configured for DATA ACCESS."

    I looked up on google and found that there is a flag that we can turn on in SQL 2005 :

    sp_serverOption 'Servername', 'Data Access', 'True';

    After I did that I did not get that error but I started getting error on line where it tries to update 'OBjRS.Update'. Here is the error:

    "-2147217885: The cursor does not include the table being modified or the table is not updatable through the cursor"

    I looked up on the google and found on one of the websites that SQL 2005 does not support OBJRS.Update method.

    I am not sure if that's true. BUt I did test it by replacing it with Insert command and that worked.

    My question is first, to verify if that's true and I have to use Insert instead of Update.

    Second How can I get the latest inserted ID if I use the Insert command.

    Thanks for your help.


  • I've been developing VB apps since around '98, and we have never really used ADOs built in record creating/editing capabilities. If you can, a better route is to create an insert stored procedure, and return the SCOPE_IDENTITY() through an output parameter. It's a little more code this way (create connection, create command, assign parameters to a command, set output type of the output parameter) but it is quite well documented. We ported a classic ASP application using ADO through VBScript from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 using the above approach, and we had no issues.

  • There are changes in DBEngine features from SQL2K to SQL2K5. You can try to change the cusrsor type as per the table given in below link.


    Using a correct cursor should solve your update problem.

    Happy Debuging 🙂

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