Database shows wrong tables in Management Studio

  • Using SQLServer 2005 SP2, I have two databases (say DB1 and DB2). Occasionally (once or twice a week) using management studio, I'll browse (in the object browser) to the tables in DB2, and the list will show the tables in DB1. I stop and restart the SQL Server and this seems to temporarily fix the problem.

    What is getting corrupted? I don't know what to look for or what to check? Any ideas?

    Thank you,


  • Are these databases detached/attached? Or are they dropped and then created using T-SQL?

    Management Studio will not follow these changes, but you could just refresh the object explorer (Rightclick on the Databases node, and click refresh)



    Andras Belokosztolszki, MCPD, PhD
    GoldenGate Software

  • Both databases are attached and live. I can exit & restart management studio, I can refresh the object browser in MS and refresh the table list, but DB2 still shows DB1's tables.

  • FYI:

    The problem seems to have been a bad UPS that the SAN for the SQL Server was attached to. Once the UPS was fixed (battery replaced), we've not had the power flicker problems hitting SAN. I can't explain it, but we've not had the problem since.

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