Writing an SP to use TempDB in Mixed Collation Environments

  • Hi All

    I'm writing an SP that needs to get create a temporary table (to pass data to an SP).

    The collation order of the databases on the target systems frequently does not match the collation order of the tempdb (no idea why and I can't change this).

    Is there a way to get the collation order of a specific database on the target system and use this to dynamically set the collation order of my temp table's varchar column.

    For example, if I get the collation or of the Db 'Orders' at run time and its Latin1_General_CI_AS, can I somehow use this in the create table command for the temp table?



  • This is what I learned:

    you can create temp tables and specify collation of character fields to current database collation.

    collate database_default works nicely, for example

    create table #temptable


    field1 int,

    field2 varchar(15) collate database_default


    if you use character fields in joins to permanent tables, you have to specify collation hint as well:

    select t1.field1, t1.field2

    from t1 inner join #temptable on t1.field2 = #temptable.field2 collate database_default

    evantually, if you use subqueries, you have to specify collation hint too:

    select t1.field1

    from t1 where field2 in


    select field2 collate database_default

    from #temptable




    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • Thanks Piotr

    I'd discovered that, but for sme reasons the DB's that are installed on the target do not use default collation either. Bit of a wierd setup, but I'm stuck with it 😉



  • no prob.

    does it mean that collate database_default does not work either?

    ...and your only reply is slàinte mhath

  • it doesn't work as it's using the default and not the collation of the target DB

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