Update Data from Excel to SQL Server

  • Hi,

    I have a question regarding updating data from Excel to SQL Server dynamically.

    I know that we can update the data from SQL Server to Excel using Microsoft Query but I am not sure if we can do it the other way round i.e., When ever there is a change in the Excel Sheet it should insert/update in the SQL Server table.

    Any help is appeiciated.




  • Data Transformation Services will accomidate. You can create a DTS package and save it then run it within SQL.

    For a one time import just right mouse on the table in enterprise manager and select all tasks then import data. There is a wizard that utilizes DTS.

  • Thanks for your reply, I know that we can import the data using DTS package and schedule it as a job to see if there are any updates and import the stuff into the table. But I want to know if we can configure Excel/SQL Server to recognise the changes in Excel and dynamically update the tables.



  • I don't think that SQL is OLE compliant with Office components i.e. having Access dynamically update itself because the Excel spreadsheet changed or vice versa.

    What you could do is run a scheduled task to compare the data between SQL and the Excel spreadsheet and UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE SQL as needed.


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Thankyou for the Info. Ahrens.

  • Or, you could create an Access adp (Project) and have some incarnation of the Transfer command to shift the data to the project - which would then update SQL Server.

    An example VBA command might be like:

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 8, tableName, TransferDir & xlsheetName, True, rangeName

    You'll find help for this in Access 2000.



    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • You can use VBA and the SheetChange event in Excel to capture changes to the workbook as they occur.

  • There is always the option of writing a VB or C application to check the Excel spreadsheet and update any changes to SQL table(s).

  • and write and update query to update the data in the sqlserver

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