November 6, 2007 at 11:14 am
I just pasted part of the query..Here the Group column in the select identifies what type of data is present in that row..We have total 6 six group types based on the conditions in the where clause.
For eg in the below case "Non Job Listing Products" is giving as a group when TrialDeal_Flg = 0...In the similar way the group name changes based on the where clauses..
Currently, there are 6 insert statements to insert the data to single fact table..All the 6 groups data will be there. Can you please suggest me a better alternative instead of writing 6 individual inserts to attain this.
select'Non Job Listing Products' as Group,
max(a.DisplayName_DS) Display_Name,
sum(a.JobsPurchased) Jobs_Purchased,
sum(a.ActualAmount_AMT) Invoice_Item_Amount,
fromFTInvoiceItema11 with (nolock)
joinFTContractValuea12 with (nolock)
on (a11.Account_ID = a12.Account_ID and
where(a112.IED_Month_ID in (@YearMonth)
and a113.usagecapability_id not in (39)
and a12.TrialDeal_FLG = 0
and a111.RevenueFamily_ID not in (5, 8, 10)
group bya.DisplayName_DS
November 6, 2007 at 9:56 pm
Not to over simplify too much... but why don't you just use CASE statements?
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
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