Job Execution System

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Job Execution System

  • Thats a nice idea. My client uses something similar to trigger the distribution agent job for replication.

    I wonder though if this is a 2k5 server, why you would not just add these users logins to the SQLAgentOperatorRole, there by allowing them most SQL Agent priviledges they had before. I think there are a few things this role still can't do, but it would suffice for most things and they probably wouldn't even realise their priviledges had been taken away 😉

    Kindest Regards,

    Frank Bazan

  • Thank you. Excellent article and very useful information.

  • Are the e-mail addresses in the script live? Or are they dummy addresses that you are just using as an example? I would hate to have those addresses recieve test e-mails from other people's systems if they were uncommented for any reason. Other than that, it's a great idea!

  • I like your solution. I had a similar problem and solved it a bit differently. I created a login to the server with permissions in msdb to execute jobs (SQLAgentOperatorRole), then added this login to a user database with a stored procedure that the user needing to execute the job had execute permissions on. Inside the stored procedure is the following:

    EXECUTE AS LOGIN = 'SQLAgentLogin'

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @pJobName


    This allows the user to get instant feedback and isolates them from the job system.

  • Kenneth Wymore (3/27/2008)

    Are the e-mail addresses in the script live? Or are they dummy addresses that you are just using as an example? I would hate to have those addresses recieve test e-mails from other people's systems if they were uncommented for any reason. Other than that, it's a great idea!

    yes, the email addresses are real... my bad. Please alter them to your specifications as needed.

    thanks for noticing that...

  • Good article with decent examples. Cheers!!!!:)

  • Nice article.

    - I'd move the tables to msdb because they "belong" to the job system of your sqlserver.

    - Since security is your main concern, I'd avoid the use of "grant all ..."


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  • Nice article

  • I too used your similar solution, but i do not want to allow my users to alter jobs, schedule them, delete them, etc. So i created the following SQLAgentLIMITEDOperatorRole in 2005. With this role, they can only start and stop jobs.

    USE [msdb]


    /****** Object: DatabaseRole [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole] Script Date: 06/24/2008 10:53:39 ******/

    CREATE ROLE [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole] AUTHORIZATION [dbo]


    EXEC sp_addrolemember N'SQLAgentOperatorRole', N'SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole'


    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_add_job to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_add_jobschedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_add_jobserver to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_add_jobstep to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_add_schedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_addtask to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_attach_schedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_delete_job to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_delete_jobschedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_delete_jobserver to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_delete_jobstep to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_delete_jobsteplog to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_delete_schedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_detach_schedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_droptask to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_maintplan_subplans_by_job to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_update_job to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_update_jobschedule to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_update_jobstep to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

    DENY EXECUTE ON sp_purge_jobhistory to [SQLAgentLimitedOperatorRole]

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

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