Store picture files in a data base

  • Hi


    I have 1200 picture files (.jpg) in my hard disk and i want to store them in a sql table , the target raw was declared as  picture type


    how can i import them ?


    I really appreciate your help





  • Hi,

    Following link got how to store image in database.

    You can make a loop and store all images in one shot.


    - sudhir

  • I tried that, but it could not find textcopy. I am getting error as

    'textcopy' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    operable program or batch file.



    Any help on where to find out 'Textcopy' would be appreciated.

    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • Hallo

    It seems to be that the textcopy.exe is not installed in sqlserver.  You can see this file in sql2000 CD.   Just copy this file into your binn directory and try it again...

    Best regards





  • Joesph,

    Textcopy is installed, the problem was path was not set properly. Now I have set path correctly. It is working fine now.

    Anyhow thanks for your reply




    Sivaprasad S - [ SIVA ][/url][/url]

  • i tried but i receive this error

    ERROR: Text or image pointer and timestamp retrieval failed.

    any idea?


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