Looking for MetaData in Sys Tables

  • What tables do I look in for metadata about DTS mappings ... jobs used in and last updated or last ran?

    Is this a good query to get tables names and how would I adjust the query to get changed in last week?

    select name from sysobjects where xtype = 'U' order by name




  • What do you mean DTS mappings? DTS is structured data and stored in a binary object in the MSDB database in the DTS related tables. But you cannot get info that way from them. I am confused by your question.


  • I've been fortunate enough to work with tools like informatica and SAPBW where the driving meta data for their DTS solution is stored in tables so impact analysis can be done in preparation for change using SQL.   Is there another way to find out for example whick DTS Mappings touch a specific table, filed, or txt.  For exampl ... I want to know all DTS Mappings that touch a file called MyGeneralLedgerBalances.

    Perhaps I've been spoiled : ) with the other tools I've used for ETL (DWing)

    Any reply is appreciated.


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