Subscription not setting up in SQL SERVER AGENT

  • I'm having an issue whereby I can't get a report to create a subscription.  The issue seems to stem from the tbl SysCategories in the msdb does not contain the category_id '100'.  I"ve tried inserting the catID into the table, but it seems to error no matter what I try to submit.  Can anybody tell me how to correct this?

  • I finally got this error resolved.  the resolution is to turn off the identy column within the sysCategories table in msdb, do an insert as follows insert into syscategories(categor_id, category_class, Category_type, Name)

    values(100, 1, 1, 'Report Server')


    Then TURN BACK ON THE IDENTY COLUMN TO YES in the actual table.


  • I had the same type of error ("The specified @category_id ('101') does not exist. () (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)") which nearly drove me to tears! Thanks to your help I was able to fix this error and my reporting services schedules now work perfectly. Still not sure why this entry didn't exist in the SysCategories table in the first place, but nonetheless...

    The only thing missing from your script above is allowing configuration of a sys table.  

    My complete script is as follows:


    'allow update', 1


    reconfigure with override


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT syscategories ON


    insert into syscategories(category_id, category_class, Category_type, Name)

    values(101, 1, 1, 'Report Server')


    SET IDENTITY_INSERT syscategories OFF


    exec sp_configure 'allow update', 0


    reconfigure with override



  • Hi,

    I had the same error when creating a subscription in Reporting Services.

    Your code fixed my problem!!! Thanks.

    I was a bit confused about the allow updates configuration option as Books Online for 2005 say that its functionaility is unavailable in 2005. But it worked anyway!?!

    This option is still present in the sp_configure stored procedure, although its functionality is unavailable in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 (the setting has no effect). In SQL Server 2005, direct updates to the system tables are not supported.

  • Thank you buddies,

    My problem fixed too! it is not more than a week that i have been engaged with Reporting Service and from the first day I found so many issues and bugs and errors.. I do not underestand why we developers are so crazy about microsoft tools! ?? just wasting the time on the 'Microsoft' problems.... may be it is the only choice!

    good luck

  • My problem fixed too! it is not more than a week that i have been engaged with Reporting Service and from the first day I found so many issues and bugs and errors.. I do not underestand why we developers are so crazy about microsoft tools! ?? just wasting the time on the 'Microsoft' problems.... may be it is the only choice!

    The issue is not Microsoft tools problem but rather Reporting Services which is an add on to SQL Server which comes with a designer with many issues. There are many that I call known issues but yes some are bugs that needs to be fixed. And it is free so you will get more from it if you write clean T-SQL code.

    I am also not aware of other Reporting tools providing subscription, I think SSRS provide it because Microsoft owns the relational engine used to execute the reports. The Agent is what I call the automation subsystem when your problems are related to the Agent it is not SSRS issue, yes SQL Server but not SSRS.

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

  • This fix my error to.


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