July 31, 2007 at 7:30 pm
I'm doing the installation for SQL server 2005 64 bit Enterprise edition. I have to install the reporting services as well but the reporting services option is disabled. While doing the checks I'm getting one warning for ASP.net
ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement (Warning)
· ASP.Net Version Registration Requirement
Failed to find the ASP.Net Version Registration with Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS
How do I resolve this Error so that can install the reporting services on this server.
August 1, 2007 at 3:41 pm
Try this:
If you open the IIS manager, and expand your server you should see Application Pools, Web Sites, and Web Service Extensions. Click (don't expand) Web Service Extensions. On the right you need to Allow ASP.NET.
If you don't have ASP.NET in the list you might need to run Aspnet_regiis.exe from within the .NET command prompt as:
aspnet_regiis -i -enable
These actions helped me to enable web projects in Visual Studio, I was getting somewhat similar error messages before I registered ASP.NET
Also in IIS Website Properties on ASP.NET tab select the latest version of ASP.NET
Regards,Yelena Varsha
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