Notification Script Help

  • Hi!  I'm trying to write a script that will send a notification when an order is placed.  I can't use a trigger because the order details must be inserted as well.  Also, I can't rely on the maximum order ID because there could be concurrency issues there and I may skip over an order.  The script I have now does not deal with ensuring all details are inserted, so that is a big question mark.  The other problem I am having is it is no longer working now that I have the while loop in there.  If I set the order ID = max order ID in the order_master table, this script works.  However, if I try to find the lowest order id that does not have it's emailsent flag set, it bombs.  Any help would be appreciated.

    ~ Cathy

    declare @body1 varchar (200)

    declare @body2 varchar (1000)

    declare @body3 varchar(4000)

    declare @fullbody varchar(8000)

    declare @subject1 varchar (500)

    declare @orderid int

    declare @siteid varchar(20)

    declare @reqemail varchar (50)

    declare @countCC int

    declare @ccemail varchar (500)

    declare @recipients varchar (700)

    declare @iscustom int

    declare @ApprReq int

    declare @Avail int

    while exists (select min(orderid) from Order_Master where EmailSent = 0)


    set @orderid = (select min(orderid) from Order_Master where EmailSent = 0)

    SET @siteid = (select RNWID from Order_Master where OrderID = @orderid)

    set @iscustom = case

       when (select count (*) from CustomOrder_Detail where OrderID = @orderid) >= 1 then 1

        else 0 end

    set @ApprReq  = case

       when @iscustom = 1 then 1

       when (select count (*) from StandardOrder_Detail where OrderID = @orderid and ApprovalFlag = 0) >= 1 then 1

        else 0 end

    set @Avail = (select sum(case when c.shipdate = null or shipdate >= convert (varchar(11), getdate(), 101)

       then 1 else 0 end)

      from StandardOrder_Detail a, ReleaseProdType b, ProdRelease c

      where a.OrderID = @orderid

      and a.RelProdTypID = b.RelProdTypID

      and b.ProdRelID = c.ProdRelID)

    SET @Subject1 = 'TEST, PLEASE IGNORE...Order ID: ' + cast(@orderid as varchar(10))+ ' has been received'

    set @body1 = 'Dear ' + (select FirstName from AuthUser a, Order_Master b

         where a.UserID=b.RequesterID

         and b.orderid = @orderid) + ', <br><br>'

    if  @iscustom = 0


     if @ApprReq = 0 and @Avail = 1


      set @body2 = 'Your request,' + cast(@orderid as varchar(10))+ ', for Site ID '+ @siteid + ', has been received. 

        Please review the order below and contact Release Management as soon as possible if there are

        any issues with the order submittal.<br><br>Your order will be forwarded to shipping within one business day of receipt.

        <br><br>Thank you, <br><br> Release Management<br><br>'


      set @body3 = '<table border = "2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">

       <TR><th>Quantity</th><th>Release</th><th>Media Type</th><th>Order Date</th><th>Comments</th><td colspan="2"

       style="color: #A0522D; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10;"



      select @body3 =  @body3 +

         '<TR><TD>' + cast (a.Quantity as varchar(40))+'<TD>'+c.ProdRelName +'<TD>'+

         d.ProductType +'<TD>' + cast(e.OrderDate as varchar (11)) + '<TD>' +


        from StandardOrder_Detail a, ReleaseProdType b, ProdRelease c, ProductType_Master d, Order_Master e, OrderComments f

        where a.OrderId = @orderid

        and a.RelProdTypID = b.RelProdTypID

        and b.ProdRelID = c.ProdRelID

        and b.ProdTypeID = d.ProdTypeID

        and e.OrderID = a.OrderID

        and e.OrderID = f.OrderID


     if @ApprReq = 0 and @Avail = 0


      set @body2 = 'Your request,' + cast(@orderid as varchar(10))+ ', for Site ID '+ @siteid + ', has been received. 

        One or more items in your request are not available for shipment at this time. 

        The order will not be forwarded to shipping until the unavailable items become available. 

        Please review the order below and make sure it is accurate.  If you have any problems

        with the order, please contact Release Management immediately.<br><br>As soon as all items are available and have shipped, you will receive a notification

        indicating the date of shipment and shipping information. 

        <br><br>Thank you, <br><br> Release Management<br><br>'


      set @body3 = '<table border = "2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">

       <TR><th>Quantity</th><th>Release</th><th>Media Type</th><th>Order Date</th><thAnticipated Ship Date</th><th>Comments</th><td colspan="2"

       style="color: #A0522D; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10;"



      select @body3 =  @body3 +

         '<TR><TD>' + cast (a.Quantity as varchar(40))+'<TD>'+c.ProdRelName +'<TD>'+

         d.ProductType +'<TD>' + cast(e.OrderDate as varchar (11)) + '<TD>' +

         case when c.ShipDate = null then 'TBD' else cast (c.ShipDate as varchar(11)) end

         + '<TD>' + f.Comment+'</TD></TR>'

        from StandardOrder_Detail a, ReleaseProdType b, ProdRelease c, ProductType_Master d, Order_Master e, OrderComments f

        where a.OrderId = @orderid

        and a.RelProdTypID = b.RelProdTypID

        and b.ProdRelID = c.ProdRelID

        and b.ProdTypeID = d.ProdTypeID

        and e.OrderID = a.OrderID

        and e.OrderID = f.OrderID


     if @ApprReq = 1 and @Avail = 1


      set @body2 = 'Your request,' + cast(@orderid as varchar(10))+ ', for Site ID '+ @siteid + ', has been received. 

        One or more items in your request require approval.  The order will not be forwarded to

        shipping until all items requiring approval have been reviewed and a determination has been made. 

        <br><br>Please review the order below and make sure it is accurate.  If you have any problems with the order, please contact Release Management immediately.

        <br><br>As soon as all items have been reviewed, you will receive a notification indicating the status of each item.

        <br><br>Thank you, <br><br> Release Management<br><br>'

      set @body3 = '<table border = "2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">

       <TR><th>Quantity</th><th>Release</th><th>Media Type</th><th>Order Date</th><th>Comments</th><th>Approval Required</th><td colspan="2"

       style="color: #A0522D; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10;"



      select @body3 =  @body3 +

         '<TR><TD>' + cast (a.Quantity as varchar(40))+'<TD>'+c.ProdRelName +'<TD>'+

         d.ProductType +'<TD>' + cast(e.OrderDate as varchar (11)) + '<TD>' +

         f.Comment + '<TD>'+ case when ApprovalFlag = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end + '</TD></TR>'

        from StandardOrder_Detail a, ReleaseProdType b, ProdRelease c, ProductType_Master d, Order_Master e, OrderComments f

        where a.OrderId = @orderid

        and a.RelProdTypID = b.RelProdTypID

        and b.ProdRelID = c.ProdRelID

        and b.ProdTypeID = d.ProdTypeID

        and e.OrderID = a.OrderID

        and e.OrderID = f.OrderID


     if @ApprReq = 1 and @Avail = 0


      set @body2 = 'Your request,' + cast(@orderid as varchar(10))+ ', for Site ID '+ @siteid + ', has been received. 

        One or more items in your request require approval and one or more items in your

        request are not available for shipment at this time.  The order will

        not be forwarded to shipping until the unavailable items become available

        and until all items requiring approval have been reviewed.  <br><br>Please

        review the order below and make sure it is accurate.  If you have any

        problems with the order, please contact Release Management immediately.

        <br><br>As soon as all items have been reviewed, you will receive a

        notification indicating the status of each item.

        <br><br>Thank you, <br><br> Release Management<br><br>'

      set @body3 = '<table border = "2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">

       <TR><th>Quantity</th><th>Release</th><th>Media Type</th><th>Order Date</th><th>Comments</th><th>Approval Required</th><td colspan="2"

       style="color: #A0522D; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10;"



      select @body3 =  @body3 +

         '<TR><TD>' + cast (a.Quantity as varchar(40))+'<TD>'+c.ProdRelName +'<TD>'+

         d.ProductType +'<TD>' + cast(e.OrderDate as varchar (11)) + '<TD>' +

         f.Comment + '<TD>'+ case when ApprovalFlag = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end + '</TD></TR>'

        from StandardOrder_Detail a, ReleaseProdType b, ProdRelease c, ProductType_Master d, Order_Master e, OrderComments f

        where a.OrderId = @orderid

        and a.RelProdTypID = b.RelProdTypID

        and b.ProdRelID = c.ProdRelID

        and b.ProdTypeID = d.ProdTypeID

        and e.OrderID = a.OrderID

        and e.OrderID = f.OrderID  


    if @iscustom = 1


      set @body2 = 'Your request,' + cast(@orderid as varchar(10))+ ', for Site ID '+ @siteid + ', has been received. 

        All custom requests require approval.  Once the request has been approved, it will be

        forwarded to shipping.<br><br>Please review the order below and make sure

        it is accurate.  If you have any problems with the order, please contact

        Release Management immediately.

        <br><br>As soon as all items have been reviewed, you will receive a

        notification indicating the status of each item.

        <br><br>Thank you, <br><br> Release Management<br><br>'

      set @body3 = '<table border = "2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2">

       <TR><th>Quantity</th><th>Release</th><th>Media Type</th><th>Order Date</th><th>Comments</th><th>Approval Required</th><td colspan="2"

       style="color: #A0522D; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10;"



      select @body3 =  @body3 +

         '<TR><TD>' + cast (a.Quantity as varchar(40))+'<TD>'+g.Product + ' ' + h.DisplayName +'<TD>'+

         d.ProductType +'<TD>' + cast(e.OrderDate as varchar (11)) + '<TD>' +

         f.Comment + '<TD>'+ case when ApprovalFlag = 1 then 'Yes' else 'No' end + '</TD></TR>'

        from CustomOrder_Detail a, ProdBranType b, ProductBranch c, ProductType_Master d,

          Order_Master e, OrderComments f, Product_Master g, tBranches h

        where a.OrderID = @orderid

        and a.ProdBranTypID = b.ProdBranTypeID

        and b.ProdBranchID = c.ProdBranchID

        and b.ProdTypeID = d.ProdTypeID

        and e.OrderID = a.OrderID

        and e.OrderID = f.OrderID

        and c.PartNumber = g.PartNumber

        and c.BranchID = h.BranchID



    set @ReqEmail = (select RequesterEmail from Order_Master

      where orderid = @orderid)

    set @countCC = (select count (CCEmail) from Order_Master

      where  orderid = @orderid and CCEmail is not null and CCEmail <> '')

    if @countCC <> 0


      set @ccemail = (select CCEmail from Order_Master

        where  orderid = @orderid )


    set @recipients = @ReqEmail + ';' + ''

    set @fullbody = @body1 + @body2 +  @body3

    exec sp_send_cdosysmail_OrderNotifications



    @subject = @subject1,

    @body = @fullbody

    update Order_Master

    set EmailSent = 1

    where orderid = @orderid and EmailSent = 0



  • One more thing...I posted this in the wrong area.  I'm working with SS2K, not SS2K5.  From a syntax perspective, this won't matter, but it probably will if we are talking about features.  I'll post this in the appropriate forum as well.

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