ADE File

  • I'm trying to make one of my .adp files into an .ade file.  When I do this, I get an error that just says 'unable to make .ade' file or something like that.

    I've googled arround and found others that have had this problem and traced it to some VBA code that wouldn't compile. 

    Is there a way to force all of the VBA code to try to compile?  I'm thinking if I could do that it might give me an error message that gives some sort of indication of where the problem is in the code.  It's a fairly large application with lots of VBA code in it, and I've never really had any complaints about a bug in it, so it must be something simple.

    The Redneck DBA

  • There's a forum on here where someone had the same problem. It might help.


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  • Hi,

    Apologies if this is something you already know.

    If you go into the code window and under the Debug menu select the Compile [mydatabasename]  option any code that does not compile correctly will be highlighted. This can be simple things like creating an object such as a command button on a form adding some code and then removing the control without removing the code behind it. If you have used Option Explicit - Good practice - at the top of the code module but then failed to explicitly declare a variable this will cause a compile error. Usually if you do a proper muck up like failing to give the correct parameters to a function or using an invalid object property it will get picked up as you type.

    The compiler will highlight the code and return an error message which is usually pretty helpful, if you have any problems drop them in here.

    I always compile the code after any changes or additions.


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