DTS to Non-Standard Flat File

  • I'm pulling my hair out on this one (not that there's much left!!)

    I have a stored procedure that extracts data from a database based on parameters to be exported to a flat file. The customer refuses to use the standard delimiters supported by the Output Text File connection object (i.e. comma, semicolon, pipe), but rather wants fixed-length fields with a space between each field.

    So I figure I'll use an Execute SQL task, dump the rowset (never more than 5-10 rows with 3 columns) into a rowset global variable, pick that up in an ActiveX task (saw this code on MSDN), format it in a string and write it to a file using FSO.

    So I set it up and when it gets to the ActiveX task it tells me the recordset object doesn't exist.

    I scratch my head, pull out a few more hairs, and decide to just execute the SP as an ADO command in the ActiveX task, loop through the recordset writing to FSO and ta-da!

    I set up the ActiveX task and when I get to the "While (Not RS.eof)" statement it tells me the recordset is closed! I can copy the SQL straight from the ActiveX task back to Query Analyzer and it runs fine! I stuck in a msgbox to display the state of the connection and it was open. I then moved the msgbox to display the state of the RS after the Open and it's closed!

    I'm stumped. So there are two questions:

    1. Why is this code acting this way? (See posted code below)
    2. Does anyone have a better solution?




    '  Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

     dim countr

     dim conn

     dim RS

     set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

     cnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data source=CORPSQL001;Initial Catalog=ETSBatch;Integrated Security=SSPI;"

     conn.open cnString

     set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

     sqlString = "EXEC dbo.Mainframe_Extract_LateStart 'HCO' " <= works in QA!!

     RS.Open sqlString, conn

     msgbox "RS State: "&cstr(rs.state)&":"  <== Indicates RS is closed

     While (NOT RS.eof)

         MsgBox "The JobName is " & RS.Fields("JobName").value




    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function


  • I changed the sqlString variable to a simple "Select JobName from Requests" (lists all jobs) and the code worked.

    Is there a problem with executing a Stored Procedure that returns a table in an ActiveX module???


  • I think you need to use a command objec tin order to execute a stored procedure in ADODB. Try adding this:

    Dim cmd

    Set cmd = CreateObject("adodb.command")

    cmd.ActiveConnection = cn

        cmd.CommandType = adCmdText

        cmd.CommandText = [sp]


        Set rs = cmd.Execute()

  • Quite often we have to create fixed length files to communicate with an IBM mainframe. We do this by creating fixed length columns outputted out of sql code. For example:

    Select substring(name,1,60),substring(address_line1,1,120),substring(city,1,30),substring(state,1,2)

    from address_table

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