CASE Statement in Check constraint?

  • Is there a way to put a CASE Statement in a table check constraint?

    For example, on the table:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.roysched


        title_id [tid] NOT NULL,

        lorange  int   NULL,

        hirange  int   NULL,

        royalty  int   NULL,

    CONSTRAINT FK__roysched__title___0DAF0CB0

        FOREIGN KEY (title_id)

        REFERENCES dbo.titles (title_id)


    I would like to do something like this:

    ALTER TABLE roysched

    ADD CONSTRAINT CK_title_id

    CHECK (CASE royalty WHEN 10 THEN title_id = 'BU2075')

    The intended effect being that the only title_id that can have a royalty of 10 is 'BU2075'.



  • Try this

    ALTER TABLE roysched

    ADD CONSTRAINT CK_title_id

    CHECK (CASE royalty WHEN 10 THEN 'BU2075' ELSE title_id  END = title_id  )

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

  • That's the ticket! Thank you!

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