October 17, 2007 at 8:52 am
Hi all,
I wanted to try out DR procedures for recovering SQL 2005 servers in case I should ever lose a master database so thought I would try out rebuilding the master database on my workstation with express editon loaded (they won't let me practice on the production servers 🙂 )
Unfortunately it's not working and I wondered if it was simply because its express edition and this setup function does not work (msde came without rebuildm). The problem is when setup gets to the components to install screen its blank and setup does nothing.
So possibilities for not working could be:
1) its not an available setup option with express edition
2) I do not have the express edition install disks having installed from the .msi file downloaded from the web (as surely most people do) so was using SQL2005 STANDARD edition install disks in the test.
Out of curiosity does anyone out there know if the above could be the cause of master rebuild not working, or am I doing something else wrong?
the command I was using to do rebuild was
start /wait setup.exe /qd instancename=server\instance reinstall=SQL_Engine rebuilddatabase=1 sapwd=securepwd
October 26, 2007 at 2:13 am
Try the below article, i think this may help you
Regards..Vidhya Sagar
October 26, 2007 at 4:40 am
sorry, same result. I have ttries every feasible value for the instance name I can think of (i.e. mssql$SQLExpress) with the same result.
October 26, 2007 at 5:04 am
George, Can you try this link.... It has got plenty of stuff in Rebuilding and Restoring Master Database!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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