Calling an Oracle Stored Procedure and Function

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to call an oracle stored procedure and function via linkedServer but I seem to be getting syntax errors from SQL server. The stored procedure passes two parameters and should get four back. This is the layout of the command I am using:

    Select * from openquery([linked_server_name],'

    { Call oracle_pkg_name.oracle_stored_proc_name(20,25,{OUT_MSG_STATUS_CD,OUT_MSG_STATUS,OUT_ACK_MSG,OUT_ERROR_MSG}) }


    The function takes two parameters as input, returns a numbers, and also has one output:

    select * from openquery([linked_server_name], 'select oracle_pkg_name.oracle_function_name(''CLR'', ''AAAM'',{OUT_ERROR_MSG})

    as proc_status from dual')



  • Hi,

    Were you able to call the oracle funtion from SQL Server?

    I have the same issue.

    I have to call Oracle function with 1 input and 1 output parameter, but it always gives some or other syntax error. If you know the exact syntax, please let me know.

    I tried these ways-->

    declare @InputPara varchar(100)

    set @InputPara=’Hello’

    declare @OutputPara bigint

    EXECUTE ( ‘BEGIN ? := packagename.functionname(?,?); END;’, @InputPara, @OutputPara OUTPUT )at linkedservername;

    select * from linkedservername..packagename.functionname(‘Hello)

    select * from openquery



    ‘SELECT * FROM packagename.functionname(”Hello”);’


    Thank you so much -Janki

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