April 25, 2007 at 10:13 am
I have a situation where I need to do the following -
Take the destination server out of warm standby mode.
Make some changes on the destination server.
Put the desination server back in warm standby mode and continue with log shipping.
steps 1 and 2 are easy. Step 3 keeps coming back and causing me grief. I think because the .tuf file gets deleted when taking out of standby mode.
Any clues?
April 26, 2007 at 3:53 am
sorry, as soon as you take the standby database out of standby mode, you have to reinitialise log shipping by restoring a full database backup in norecovery or standby mode, then start logs again.
April 26, 2007 at 4:55 am
Ok thats fair enough. How does this sound as a plan? (I am testing it and do get some glitches)...
1) Log ships every hour between Servers A and B.
2) Once log has been restored to B it is taken out of Standby.
3) Replication is then setup on B to C.
4) Replication runs between B and C.
5) Replication is removed again.
6) Server B is put back has latest backup of Server A restored and is put back in standby mode.
7) Log shipping resumes on the hour.
We need to use the tables that are not affected by the log shipping on the other side, hence the replication to a data server that we can use it on. Additionally we cannot use replication on its own as we cannot do so across the globe.
EDIT: The issue is that when you restore Server A's db onto Server B, replication obviously gets wiped. When you recreate it will not carry on syncing where it left off unless you sync ALL the data from scratch. For that reason I need to somehow keep the replication in place when I restore the backup (Step 6). I can't use KEEP_REPLICATION I think, as the original Server A has NO replication in place.
Maybe there is a way to code around this!
April 26, 2007 at 6:14 am
Do you need to write to these tables?
April 26, 2007 at 6:37 am
This is a test I am setting up. The real solution is that Server B is generally distributed via Replication to 5 other servers within out organisation. This data remains read only though. Could I perhaps Log Ship From B to C too? Or Log Ship from A to B AND C?
EDIT: Also - These servers holding the data are hit quite regularly for reporting - How would Log Shipping stunt this access?
April 27, 2007 at 4:16 am
I do not think this scenario of A loghip to B, B replicate to C is going to work. You need to logship from A to B, and replicate from A to C.
The load log part of logshipping on B needs exclusive use of the database, so if someone is connected to database running a report (which they can do as long as they read the database only), the load job will fail. The next load log run an hour later will catch up if database not in use then.
You have the option to kill connections before load job runs (see wizard)
April 27, 2007 at 4:18 am
also, yes you can logship to multiple standby servers
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