How to read XML through SQL Queries / procedures

  • Hi All,

    I have XML string stored in database column, by parsing the XML string I need to get some values into variables using SQL Queries / Procedures, Is it possible? Please provide the solution for this.

    Thanks in advance,




  • Rather store as XML, not varchar.

    Read BOL! There are plenty examples on how to manipulate XML.


    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • As Crispin said there are many ways to do this. Here is one.

    CREATE TABLE #AppSettings

    ( SettingCode varchar(4) NOT NULL, SettingValues xml NOT NULL )

    INSERT INTO #AppSettings

    VALUES ( 'SEC', '<SecurityOptions ChangePasswordPromptDays="0" NumberOfLoginAttemptsAllowed="0" />' )


    DECLARE @ChangePasswordPromptDays int, @NumberOfLoginAttemptsAllowed int

          --get current value


                @ChangePasswordPromptDays = SettingValues.value('(//SecurityOptions/@ChangePasswordPromptDays)[1]', 'integer'),

                @NumberOfLoginAttemptsAllowed = SettingValues.value('(//SecurityOptions/@NumberOfLoginAttemptsAllowed)[1]', 'integer')

          FROM   #AppSettings

          WHERE  SettingCode = 'SEC'


          SELECT @ChangePasswordPromptDays, @NumberOfLoginAttemptsAllowed


    DROP TABLE #AppSettings

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