Destination Script Component - multiple oledb.datareaders?

  • Is it possible to have more than one oledb.datareader inside a single script component?  Here's my situation - I am running records through a script component (destination).  The script component takes the records and checks for existence in 2 tables.  Then performs and update/insert based on existence.

    Actual Code:

    Public Overrides Sub MyInput_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As MyInputBuffer)

    Dim AuditsReader As OleDbDataReader


    "@Busdate").Value = Row.BusDate


    "@Store").Value = Row.Store

    AuditsReader = oledbcmdCheckAudits.ExecuteReader()

    If AuditsReader.Read() Then

    With oledbcmdUpdateAudit


    "@Busdate").Value = Row.BusDate


    "@Store").Value = Row.Store


    End With


    With oledbcmdInsertAudit


    "@Busdate").Value = Row.BusDate


    "@Store").Value = Row.Store


    End With

    End If



    Dim AdjustmentReader As OleDbDataReader


    "@Busdate").Value = Row.BusDate


    "@Store").Value = Row.Store

    AdjustmentReader = oledbcmdCheckAdjustment.ExecuteReader()

    If AdjustmentReader.Read() Then

    With oledbcmdUpdateAdjustment


    "@BusDate").Value = Row.BusDate


    "@Store").Value = Row.Store


    End With


    With OledbCmdInsertAdjustment


    "@BusDate").Value = Row.BusDate


    "@Store").Value = Row.Store


    End With

    End If



    End Sub


    The problem i'm seeing is that the script component only works on the first record.  If i remove the second reader then it works properly. 

    Thanks in advance,





  • change your code in the second part

    [PosactAReader = oledbcmdCheckAdjustment.ExecuteReader()

    If AdjustmentReader.Read() Then]


    [AdjustmentReader = oledbcmdCheckAdjustment.ExecuteReader()

    If AdjustmentReader.Read() Then]


    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Thanks for taking a look.  I made a mistake in my post when trying to change object names.  I corrected the typo.  It looks like i can only have 1 oledb data reader in the script component.

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