CASE Statement Help needed

  • I want to Add in a Case Statement to my Stored Procedure to Identify 5 classifications:

    A: Birth to 6 yrs old

    B: Female 7 yrs to 18 yrs

    C: Male 7 yrs to 18 yrs

    D: Female over 18 yrs old

    E: Male over 18 yrs old

    So Im looking for something like this:


    WHEN [Patient Age] >= 6 THEN 'A'

    WHEN [Patient Age] between .....

    Any help is appreciated!

    CODE >>>>

    Declare @ApptDate datetime

    Select @ApptDate = a.ApptStart

    FROM Appointments a

    WHERE a.AppointmentsId = @AppointmentsId

    SELECT '290.PatientName'=IsNull(pp.First,'') + ' ' + isnull(pp.Middle,'') + ' ' + isnull(pp.Last,'')+ ' ' + isnull(pp.Suffix,''),









    '299.PatientCountry' = ISNULL(pp.Country,''),

    '300.PatientBirthdate' = pp.Birthdate,









    '400.PatientAge' = CASE

    WHEN datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) <= 6 THEN cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as varchar(10)) + ' dys'

    WHEN datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) <= 112 THEN cast(floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 7) as varchar(10)) + ' wks'

    WHEN floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) < 2 and day(pp.birthdate) <= day(@ApptDate) THEN cast(datediff(month,pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as varchar(10)) + ' mos'

    WHEN floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) day(@ApptDate) THEN cast(datediff(month,pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) - 1 as varchar(10)) + ' mos'

    WHEN floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) >= 2 THEN cast(floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) as varchar(10)) + ' yrs'

    ELSE '' END

    FROM PatientProfile pp

    LEFT JOIN Guarantor g ON pp.GuarantorId = g.GuarantorId

    WHEREpp.PatientProfileID = @PatientProfileId

  • You have the basic case statement above in your code.

    case when xxx then yyy

    when zzz then iiii

    else jjjj




    when date = 7 and date <= 18) then yyy


  • I have tried using the following:

    '401.PatientAgeGroup' =


    WHEN [400.PatientAge] > 18 AND pp.PatientSex = 'M' THEN 'E'

    WHEN [400.PatientAge] > 18 AND pp.PatientSex = 'F' THEN 'D'

    WHEN [400.PatientAge] BETWEEN 7 AND 18 AND pp.PatientSex = 'M' THEN 'C'

    WHEN [400.PatientAge] BETWEEN 7 AND 18 AND pp.PatientSex = 'F' THEN 'B'

    WHEN [400.PatientAge] BETWEEN 0 AND 6 THEN 'A'



    And I get this:

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 36

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 36

    Invalid column name 'PatientSex'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 37

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 37

    Invalid column name 'PatientSex'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 38

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 38

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 38

    Invalid column name 'PatientSex'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 39

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 39

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 39

    Invalid column name 'PatientSex'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 40

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'.

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 40

    Invalid column name '400.PatientAge'

  • Please Post your entire query.

    Your error message indicates that there is no column named '400.PatientAge'

    or column named 'PatientSex'

  • My first guess, based on the data given, is that "400" is a table name (or table alias). In that case, what you need is "[400].[PatientAge]", instead of "[400.PatientAge]". You have to have one set of braces around the table name and one around the column name, not one around both together.

    If that's not the case, and there actually is a column called "400.PatientAge", then I'll need to see more of the query (at least the From clause).

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • You cant create a column at run time and use it in the next case statement. You have to reference the below code or house the data in a temp table to call the column names.

    '400.PatientAge' = CASE

    WHEN datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) <= 6 THEN cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as varchar(10)) + ' dys'

    WHEN datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) <= 112 THEN cast(floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 7) as varchar(10)) + ' wks'

    WHEN floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) < 2 and day(pp.birthdate) <= day(@ApptDate) THEN cast(datediff(month,pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as varchar(10)) + ' mos'

    WHEN floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) day(@ApptDate) THEN cast(datediff(month,pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) - 1 as varchar(10)) + ' mos'

    WHEN floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) >= 2 THEN cast(floor(cast(datediff(day, pp.birthdate, @ApptDate) as decimal) / 365.25) as varchar(10)) + ' yrs'

    ELSE '' END

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