Kill All User Sessions

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Kill All User Sessions

  • I used a modifed version to block users from my database. Instead of using a cursor you can use...

    declare @out nVarchar(4000)

    SELECT @out = COALESCE (RTRIM(@out)+' Kill ' ,'')+ cast(spid as varchar(10))

    from master..sysprocesses where db_name(dbid) = 'myDatabase' AND NT_USERNAME like @uid

    set @out= 'kill ' + @out

    execute sp_executesql @out

  • DECLARE @sql VARCHAR(8000)

    SELECT @sql=COALESCE(@SQL, '') + 'KILL ' + CAST(SPID AS VARCHAR(10)) + '; '


    SELECT @sql


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