What is the fastest way to update 15 million records

  • Hi all,

            Whats is the fastest or most efficient way to update 15 million records from a table of 50 millions records (tablename: POS_FACT). Should i rebuild the indexes before i make an update and after i make an update. or should i drop the indexes on the POS_FACT table and then update and then build the index, which would be faster.

    The query uses:

    (1) Filters 50 million to 45million using where clause

    (2) Then looks up a particular column value (timestamp and some other values) with another table (look up table which has a million records) .... it looks up based on timestamp and few conditions

    (3) If for a particular timestamp match in the look up, i try to see the price if the prices in both the tables dont match up i would like to update the POS_FACT table.


    -- update price of the POS_FACT table if it dosent match up with the inner query output


    pf SET pf.SRP_FACT = ISNULL(mp.RATE,0)


    --SELECT pf.SRP_FACT,isnull(mp.RATE,0) FROM dbo.SRP_POS_FACT_ERROR pf


                           ON mp.MATERIAL_NUMBER = pf.MATERIAL_NUMBER AND

                                (pf.RETAIL_WEEKENDING_DATE BETWEEN mp.VALID_FROM_DT AND mp.VALID_TO_DT) AND

                                 mp.SALES_ORGANIZATION = pf.SALES_ORGANIZATION AND

                                 mp.DIVISION = pf.DIVISION AND

                                  mp.DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL = pf.DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL and

                                  mp.CONDITION_TYPE = 'ZSRP'

    --- subquery returns price for a particular record being paseed into it, if it dosent match update the price


                                                    (SELECT  mp.RATE

                                                      FROM USLPDSQLPRD01.LPD_MASTER.dbo.MATERIAL_PRICING mp

                                                      WHERE mp.CONDITION_TYPE = 'ZSRP' AND

                                                                 mp.MATERIAL_NUMBER = pf.MATERIAL_NUMBER AND


                                                                                                 BETWEEN mp.VALID_FROM_DT AND mp.VALID_TO_DT) AND

                                                                  mp.SALES_ORGANIZATION = pf.SALES_ORGANIZATION AND

                                                                   mp.DIVISION = pf.DIVISION AND

                                                                   mp.DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL = pf.DISTRIBUTION_CHANNEL



    - Reddy

  • Hello Dinesh,

    I think the best way to proceed with your task is to

    1. Remove the existing indexes

    2. Update your 15 million records

    3. Create the indexes

    Hope this helps.




  • Are the indexes in reference used in the update queries? If so, you need those indexes. You may or may not want to rebuild them before and after (and if you do, use one of those selective index rebuild scripts that are all over the place), but if the indexes are used in all those joins & queries, dropping them will kill your performance. On the other hand, if you don't need those indexes during this process, and you're not worried about any other queries coming in during this process, then dropping those unneeded indexes until the completion of this batch update will probably help.

    In short, it depends.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

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    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

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