December 6, 2007 at 12:55 am
Can any one help me in this regarding..
I have stored procedure to insert a record,
auto no is generated through IDENTITY
What i need is i want to auto generate a No for e.g(PolicyNo) with some format as P00001 where the '1' should be the auto generated no or IDENTITY
Thankx in advance.
December 6, 2007 at 1:44 am
Use this...
SET @Identity =1
SELECT 'P' + LEFT('00000', 5 - LEN( CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @Identity ) ) ) + CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @Identity )
SET @Identity =9856
SELECT 'P' + LEFT('00000', 5 - LEN( CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @Identity ) ) ) + CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @Identity )
SET @Identity =15423
SELECT 'P' + LEFT('00000', 5 - LEN( CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @Identity ) ) ) + CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @Identity )
December 6, 2007 at 1:56 am
Or another solution is to use:
'P' + RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 10) + RTRIM(MAX(t.a) + 1), 9)
This finds that highest id in the table, adds one to it, adds 0s, and prefixes it with 'P'. The result is a string with 10 characters
Test code: (comment out some insert lines to see different values)
INSERT INTO @testTable VALUES ( 1 )
INSERT INTO @testTable VALUES ( 20 )
INSERT INTO @testTable VALUES ( 300 )
SELECT 'P' + RIGHT(REPLICATE('0', 10) + RTRIM(MAX(t.a) + 1), 9)
FROM @testTable AS t
December 6, 2007 at 6:19 am
Thanks a Lot Andras
You have saved my lots of time..
thanks ramesh even your code helped me for some other problems..
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