Automatic Backup/restore

  • Hi all,

    Windows 2000 SP4/ Sql server 2000 standard edition

    I have two databases located in two different servers and I like to execute a copy from the first server to the second one. I tried to use export/import using DTS but doesn't work well.

    Now I'd like to planify automatic backup/restore between the two databases (from source to target).

    How can I do that ?


    Thanks for any suggestions.


  • Create a dts package with two EXECUTE SQL task.. one should run the backup on the source server and second should run the restore on destination server...

    Note: Database Backup file location should be accessed by both servers...


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Thanky you Mohammed for your answer.

    I just begin work with dts (from Entreprise Manager) and I do not have experience. Please could you give me one exemple: Sql task to backup and restore and how I can execute these Sql tasks from the dts.

    Best regards,



  • In execute sql task you have to use backup command...


    In another execute sql task use restore command check BOL for syntax

    RESTORE DATABASE <db name> from disk = '\\SERVERNAME\D$\DBNAME.BAK'


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • Thansk u a lot mohammed.

    last question : how can I add the sql tasks to a new DTS ?

    Best regards,



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