2005 licensing

  • Can any one help

    On sqlserver 2000 on istallation there was a screen whcih asked wnhat type of licence was required cals or processor. his could then be amnede by going to control panel and eitherm adding to the cals or upgrading to per processor(could not go from processor to cals)

    The question is is there the same in 2005 . At present I have been ubnable to find the equivilant. If there is can any one tell me how to find it etc



  • There is no similar UI in SQL 2005. As far as I know, licence is just a legal paper work in SQL 2005.

  • This has been discussed in many threads here and on the MSDN forums. This UI was removed from SQL2K5. The functionality in SQL2K was passive; meaning, it allowed you to input your license type and number and it stored this information. But the server didn't do anything with the information you entered. There was no validation based on your license key and the server didn't alter behavior based on it. Given this we decided to remove it from SQL2K5.



  • Thanks every one for the info much appreciated. Its confirming what I had started to believe was the case



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