Subscription parameters - @ functions?

  • When creating a subscription to a report manually via the web browser, when you come to the parameters section, are other functions you can use like those you can put in the subject text box -- @ReportName and @ExecutionTime. For instnace, one report requires a date parameter. I wanted the subscription to feed it the current date. I tried using @ExecutionTime, but it won't accept it. I worked around it by making =Today the default value for the parameter within the report definition, but I didn't really want to do that because users manually run the report and often want a different date.

    So, are there other @ fucntions you can use here. If not, are there any tricks like using VB functions (which I doubt).




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  • Have you tried using an ODBC type prompt like a question mark(?) ?

  • I am also looking for this same thing. I have a report that has date as the selection criteria, and they don't want to default it to the current day because then they have wait for the report to build before they change the parameter. (Less that 1 second) However impatient, I would like to find a solution to this problem. I have tried a couple of things... getdate(), now, "=now", today, "=today", etc, and nothing seems to work. I have also tried looking online, but no luck... If anyone has any ideas, I would really appreciate it. I am running SSRS 2005 Std edition.

  • What I've done in the past is to simply make a copy of the report. One version is for subscriptions and the other to run manually. You can also hide the subscription version to keep from confusing your end users. Far from an elegant solution, but it works.


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