Seek for duplicate rows

  • Hi,

    I read some book that says the following query will seek for duplicate rows in a table. However, the book does not gives me a clear explanation

    1/ why the query can do that?

    2/ why do we have to use JOIN not INNER JOIN?

    Any help would be great appreciated.

    --- a row that is in table "compliancehousehold" and is duplicated if

    -- its values is specified in the join.

    select C1.*

    from compliancehousehold C1

    join compliancehousehold C2

    on C1.reshID = C2.reshID

    and C1.reshstartDate = C2.reshstartDate

    and C1.ReshHudNextAnnualDate is null

    and C1.chid < C2.chid

  • 1. Open BOL anf find out that JOIN == INNER JOIN.

    2. Give yourself a definition what is "duplicate rows".

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Sergiy,

    I do not know and ask people on this forum. However, your words make me frustrating because BOL if helped me, I did not need to post my question here. Please stop your writing for this topic if you feel it wastes your time and let others reply. I do not need your words since they do not help me though. I'd like to discuss with others to help me learn new things instead of seeing your words that turn to be nothing. I do not need you. If you do not like to answer, you can ignore, right?


  • If you don't want to think leave this profession right now. It's not for you.

    I stated everything you should get from BOL if you've been taught to read manuals.


    Probably from the second attempt you can get that this is the answer on one of your questions.

    Answer on another question does not require SQL skills.

    It's just common sence.

    If you cannot describe in plain English what kind on rows you consider duplicated, sorry, I'm afraid nothing and nobody can help you then.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • johnsql,

    I thought Sergiy was pretty helpful. He saved you a trip to BOL by saying that JOIN is the same as INNER JOIN. In fact, BOL shows [INNER] JOIN which means the word INNER is optional.

    Outer joins require LEFT [OUTER] JOIN or RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN.

    My personal favorite is:




    As for the duplicate problem, your query joins a table to itself which is not necessarily the best way to find duplicates. The next best thing to a "definition of duplicate" that Sergiy asked for is to show some sample data and explain which ones are duplicates. Then we can help you with your SQL query.

  • Michael,

      Thanks your your words.

    The condidions I guess are (as the book writes)

    C1.reshID = C2.reshID

    and C1.reshstartDate = C2.reshstartDate

    and C1.ReshHudNextAnnualDate is null

    and C1.chid < C2.chid

    To find out duplicate rows. But I am not sure because the book as I told does not give any extra reason why the query can perform finding out duplicate rows. Those are my questions I want to ask. BTW, how many posts to this forum so I can become a "profession" in this forum?


  • What kind of book is this? If it presents a query like this without a detailed description of the table and some sample data it is impossible understand what it is trying to accomplish. It cannot possibly teach anything - much less find duplicate rows.

    Try to imagine the data! You must make that effort!

    I don't understand what you mean by: "profession" in this forum. Most people, like me, participate in this forum to learn and to help people learn. And there is nothing like learning from the real problems other people encounter. So what is your problem all about?

  • I have this in my notes, (written by someone other than me) but I have used it and varations of it many times:



    The first step to a duplicate-free table is coming up with a way of uniquely identifying each row. There's no way you can delete a particular row without being able to distinguish it from the others. The easiest way to accomplish this is to add an identity column to this table and make it the primary key.


    PaymentID int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1),


    Now that you have the ability to specify a particular row to delete, you must decide how to define "duplicate". Which columns should uniquely identify a row? In real-world scenarios, the answer will be based upon how the table has been used and the actual data contained in it; however, for this example, a combination of CustomerNumber, PostedDatetime, and PaymentAmt will serve as the logical key. It makes sense that the same customer would not post two payments of exactly the same amount at exactly the same time.

    Having decided what a duplicate is, you need some way of identifying them. To identify the duplicate rows, you need to construct a query which returns each unique CustomerNumber / PostedDatetime / PaymentAmt combination where there is more than one row with the same key values.












     COUNT(*) > 1

    This query groups by the key values to return one row per unique set of values. The HAVING clause then filters out all groups where there is only one row for that set of values. This leaves a rowset containing only those logical key values where there are duplicates.

    The next problem to solve is how to eliminate all but one row per set of key values. The PaymentID column added earlier provides an answer. If we could somehow get exactly one PaymentID for each set of duplicates, we could delete all rows where the CustomerNumber / PostedDatetime / PaymentAmt is returned in the above query, but the PaymentID does not match. This would delete all but one row per set of duplicates. How can we accomplish this?

    When grouping data, aggregate functions can be used to return data about the group as a whole. While some of the aggregate functions such as SUM() and AVG() return values which don't exist on any particular row in the group, the extrema functions MIN() and MAX() return values which exist in an actual row in the group. Hence, the extrema functions can be used to return an arbitrary value from some set of values.

    Using this knowledge about MIN() and MAX(), we can modify the above query to return the CustomerNumber / PostedDatetime / PaymentAmt for each set of duplicates along with exactly one unique PaymentID.


     MAX(PaymentID) AS PaymentID,











     COUNT(*) > 1

    This query returns all the data we need to perform the delete operation, but how do we tell the database engine to actually delete the records? We can't simply change the SELECT to DELETE because DELETE statements don't support grouping and aggregates. However, the DELETE statement does support joining to other tables. We can use a technique called a derived table to treat the above SELECT statement as if it were a table. We can then write a DELETE statement which joins to this derived table and performs the DELETE.




     Payment p1




       MAX(PaymentID) AS PaymentID,






      GROUP BY





       COUNT(*) > 1

    &nbsp p2


      p1.CustomerNumber = p2.CustomerNumber


      p1.PostedDatetime = p2.PostedDatetime


      p1.PaymentAmt = p2.PaymentAmt


      p1.PaymentID <> p2.PaymentID


    The most interesting part of this query is the join criteria. We join on CustomerNumber, PostedDatetime, and PaymentAmt to delete rows that match logically to the set of duplicates that we've found. If we left the criteria at this point, we'd end up deleting the duplicates, but we wouldn't have any copies of the duplicate rows remaining. Our requirements stated that we delete all the duplicates, but leave one copy of each duplicated row. To do this, we add the fourth criterion stating the PaymentID not match one of the PaymentID values in the set of duplicates. Thus, one row per set of duplicates is retained while deleting the others.

    Hopefully, you'll never need to use these techniques to delete duplicate data. However, if you do, you won't have to struggle to find a technique that precisely and efficiently performs the task. Even if you don't use this technique to delete duplicates, many of the elements of the solution - derived tables, joined deletes, grouping and aggregation - can be applied to other situations that require inventive query techniques.


  • This is a great piece of writing and hits the nail on the head.

    But let's get back to johnsql's real life problem. In particulare, let's take his query and see if it can find duplicate data by just inventing some data. We can simplify it (without losing the essence of the problem) to just the first and last columns:

    select C1.*

    from compliancehousehold C1

      join compliancehousehold C2 on C1.reshID = C2.reshID and C1.chid < C2.chid

    Thus we have two columns and we want to find 'duplicates'.

    With the data



    the query returns nothing. It cannot seem to find the duplicate!

    With the data



    the query returns


    so it seems to have found a duplicate!

    With the data




    the query returns




    so it finds the duplicates but it seems to find the first duplicate twice. That's because the 1st row gets linked to the second row AND the third row.

    Hope this helps.

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