Error: Expression expected

  • I loaded an old report in Katmai and got an error:

    There is an error on line 184 of custom code: [BC30201] Expression expected.

    This report worked fine in SQLServer 2000 and 2005.

    I have no idea where to look.  the code section only has 108 lines.

    Line 184 of the rdl file is  <ReportParameter Name="pColSel"and I do not see something wrong  or different from other parameters in that parameter.

    Can anybody give me a hint about where to look or what is wrong?



  • In case someone else has the same problem.

    I contacted Microsoft through the metro program (beta program for ISV's) . It seems the line continuation, underscore at the end of the line for VB code, no longer works in de code section. Removing the underscores and putting the whole expression on one line solved the problem.

    The support engineer did not know if this was a bug in the beta or by design.


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