multiple joins

  • Hello everyone, I have the following situation:

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to theEmp by empID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblAccidentInfo by trackingNumber

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to ImagesFiles by trackingNumber

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to countyDriver by accidentEventID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblVehicle by accidentEventID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblCollision by CollisionID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblDamage by damageID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblfactors by factorsID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblLocation by locationID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblweather by weatherID

    The structure is like this:

    tblAccidentEvent is the main table with

    accidentEventID as the primary key identity not null

    Empid (from theEmp table)

    collisionID (from tblCollision table)

    trackingNumber (from tblaccidentInfo table)

    weatherID (from tblWeather table)

    ImageFiles has:

    ID pk not null,

    trackingNumber(from tblAccidentInfo table)

    tblVehicle has:

    vehicleId pk identity not null

    accidentEventID (from tblAccidentEvent table)

    damageID (from tbldamage table)

    countyDriver has:

    driverID pk identity not null

    accidentEventID (from tblaccidentEvent table)

    driverCondition (from tblDriverCondition table)

    contributingFactors (from tblfactors table)

    The following are lookup tables:







    I have the following query:

    SELECT * FROM tblaccidentevent,












    where tblAccidentInfo.trackingNumber = tblaccidentEvent.trackingNumber

    and tblAccidentInfo.trackingNumber = ImageFiles.trackingNumber

    and tblDriverCondition.ConditionID = CountyDriver.DriverCondition

    and tblAccidentEvent.accidenteventid=Countydriver.accidenteventid

    and tblaccidentevent.accidenteventid = tblvehicle.accidenteventid

    and tblaccidentevent.collisionid = tblcollision.collisionid

    and tblvehicle.damageid = tbldamage.damageid

    and tblfactors.factorsid = CountyDriver.contributingFactors

    and tblaccidentevent.LocationOfImpact = tbllocation.locationid

    and tblaccidentevent.weathercondition = tblweather.weatherid

    and tblAccidentevent.empid = theEmp.empid

    and tblAccidentevent.trackingNumber = @trackingNumber

    When I run this query, some values are blank even though there are records for them on the db like

    factorsDescription from tblfactors and filename from ImageFiles table.

    What am I doing wrong with the query above?

  • Are there any missing entities in your join? I'm (probably wrongly) assuming that there can be several contributiong factors to an accident/driver. What is the definition of the contributingFactors column?


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • tblfactors is the table with two fields

    factorsId int

    factorsDesc varchar(50)

    so we have

    factorsID factorsDesc

    1 factorsDesc1

    2 factorsdesc2


    so if we have a query:

    select factorsDesc

    from tblfactors, CountyDriver

    where tblfactors.factorsID = countyDriver.contributingFactors

    and tblfactors.factorsID = 1,

    I will see a value of factorsDesc1.

    This value will satisfy that above query.

    However, when I have multiple table joins such as above, nothing gets returned.

    I hope I understood and answered your question correctly.

    Thanks for your response

  • sorry it should be more like this:

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to theEmp by empID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblAccidentInfo by trackingNumber

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to countyDriver by accidentEventID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblVehicle by accidentEventID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblCollision by CollisionID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblLocation by locationID

    tblAccidentEvent table relates to tblweather by weatherID

    CountyDriver table relates to tblDamage by damageID

    CountyDriver table relates to tblfactors by factorsID

    tblAccidentInfo table relates to ImagesFiles by trackingNumber

  • I was thinking maybe countyDriver.contributingFactors was a varchar comma-separated list of FactorIDs, but your response kills that theory.

    The JOIN must be working, otherwise you'd get no rows returned, rather then empty fields.

    Just as another test, is anything returned if you replace:



    SELECT tblfactors.factorsDescription , ImagesFiles.filename FROM


    - Mark

    - Mark

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