August 14, 2007 at 2:29 am
Hi all,
I need some advises about hardware and software configuration of a database server. I am new as DBA employer. I have noticed that there are a lot of BlkBy issues along one business day. There is an ERP system which uses inside its stored procedures a lot of temporary tables (#tTable). This means that tempdb is very often used.
The actual configuration of DB server is:
Quad-processor system with 4 GB RAM.
Logical Drives | ||||||
Drive | Drive Type | File System | Volume Serial | Total Size | Free Space | % Free |
C: (SO) | Local Disk | NTFS | 6416-00C3 | 14998 MB | 4134 MB | 28 % |
D: | Optical Drive | | | | | |
E: (PART2 OS & SEC DBs) | Local Disk | NTFS | DC90-FFC2 | 19994 MB | 5786 MB | 29 % |
F: (OTHER DBs) | Local Disk | NTFS | 644A-A411 | 69994 MB | 21961 MB | 31 % |
G: (MOST USED DB) | Local Disk | NTFS | 38E1-AFA4 | 139996 MB | 30333 MB | 22 % |
H: (BACKUP) | Local Disk | NTFS | 3816-3EE7 | 190779 MB | 31404 MB | 16 % |
Physical Drives | |||||
[ Drive #1 (186.3 GB) ] | |||||
Partition | Partition Type | Drive | Start Offset | Partition Length | |
#1 | NTFS | H: (BACKUP) | 0 MB | 190779 MB | |
[ Drive #2 (34.2 GB) ] | |||||
Partition | Partition Type | Drive | Start Offset | Partition Length | |
#1 (Active) | NTFS | C: (OS) | 0 MB | 14998 MB | |
#2 | NTFS | E: (PART2 OS & SEC DBs) | 14998 MB | 19994 MB | |
[ Drive #3 (68.4 GB) ] | |||||
Partition | Partition Type | Drive | Start Offset | Partition Length | |
#1 | NTFS | F: (OTHER DBs) | 0 MB | 69994 MB | |
[ Drive #4 (136.7 GB) ] | |||||
Partition | Partition Type | Drive | Start Offset | Partition Length | |
#1 | NTFS | G: (MOST USED DB) | 0 MB | 139996 MB |
I am thinking the new configuration should be the following:
Procesors: 4 x Xeon
Storage system:
a.73GB x 2 HDD RAID1 (mirror) – OS and system databases (master, msdb, model)
b.73GB x 2 HDD RAID1 (mirror) – Log file of MOST USED DB
c.73GB x 6 HDD RAID10 (RAID 10 a stripe of mirrors) – MOST USED DB
d.73GB x 6 HDD RAID10 (RAID 10 a stripe of mirrors) – indexes of MOST USED DB
e.73GB x 6 HDD RAID10 (RAID 10 a stripe of mirrors) – audit tables of MOST USED DB
f.73GB x 6 HDD RAID10 (RAID 10 a stripe of mirrors) – database and log of tempdb
g.73GB x 6 HDD RAID10 (RAID 10 a stripe of mirrors) – distribution, other databases
h.300GB x 3 HDD RAID 5 - backups
HDD should be SCSI 320 and 15000 rpm.
Should be minimum 1-2 controllers RAID(preferrable with battery of BK), I don't know if the actual RAID controller could maintain so much HDDs.
August 14, 2007 at 2:48 am
Just another consideration...
Split your datafiles from your transaction log files.
August 14, 2007 at 6:45 am
Some thoughts:
1. I wouldn't put the system databases (basically any dbs) to the OS partition. I'd put them next to the distribution and other small dbs.
2. Blocking in itself is not a problem, the question is the duration of blocking. So it's possible that you'll see blockings after this redesign as well. Try to declare countable goals for the redesign before you do anything - that is, what would be the state of the server when you didn't want to optimize it. If there's a particular table or group of tables which are the subject of blocking issues then try to make faster the operations on them.
3. Separating the indexes from the data is a very interesting idea. In Oracle, it's a best and quite common practice, but in SQL Server I'm not so convinced about its benefits. I asked some experts and no one suggested me doing this. They suggested that instead of this I should separate the tables into more filegroups. Reading an index and the corresponding records is an operation but joining tables by indexes is another, and if your indexes are in the same filegroup then what's your profit? So it's a swampy area - however, I'm very interested in any thoughts in it. For partitioning into filegroups of course you should know your database usage very well.
-- Erik
August 14, 2007 at 7:14 am
Thanks for your replies.
Erik, your first point is interesting. Anyway, if something is damaged to system databases, it should be restored from backups
Second point. Obviously, my concern is about duration of blocking. I show you some issues about the most longest duration of execution of stored procedures:
Ave. Duration | Ave. CPU Time | Ave. Reads | Ave. Writes | Command | Raw Duration | Raw CPU | Raw Reads | Raw Writes | Seek | Database |
00:17:35.8 | 00:00:00.0 | 671 | 0 | -- GEN18_VerificaSerieNrDocumentIF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM facturic c WHERE c.nrfact = @nrdoc AND ISNULL(c.seriefact,'') = ISNULL(@serie,'')-- AND (@config_serie =0 OR (@config_serie=1 AND ISNULL(c.seriefact,'') = ISNULL(@serie,'')))-- AND (@config_user =0 OR (@config_user =1 AND c.coduser = @coduser))-- AND (@config_soc =0 OR (@config_soc =1 AND c.codsoc = @codsoc))-- AND (@config_firma =0 OR (@config_firma =1 AND c.codclient = @codfirma))-- AND (@config_gestiune =0 OR (@config_gestiune =1 AND c.codgest = @codgestiune))-- AND (@config_data =0 OR (@config_data =1 AND YEAR(c.datafact) = YEAR(@datadoc)) ) AND c.nrintfact <> ISNULL(@nrintdoc,0) ) | 1055.826 | 0.047 | 671 | 0 | 159241 | rcs |
00:13:36.4 | 00:03:09.7 | 19,780,667 | 155,241 | update calendar_documente set data_sf='2007-08-31' --an luna zi (sfarsitul lunii viitoare)where data_sf = '2007-07-31'--an luna zi (sfarsitul lunii curente) | 816.384 | 189.728 | 19780667 | 155241 | 926784 | definiri |
00:11:33.4 | 00:05:26.7 | 36,114,500 | 1,859 | -- MFX18_MfVizualizareSELECT, m.codmf, m.denumire, m.seriemf, pctlucru = ISNULL(i.pctlucru_primire, m.pctlucru), denumirepctlucru= p.denumire, m.valuta, m.nrinventar, m.cartehnice, m.duratafol, m.durataam, m.normaam, tipam = CASE WHEN tipam='L' THEN 'LINIARA' WHEN tipam='D' THEN 'DEGRESIVA AD1' WHEN tipam='S' THEN 'DEGRESIVA AD2' WHEN tipam='A' THEN 'ACCELERATA' END, m.datareceptie, m.datapif, m.valintrarelei, m.valintrarevaluta, valamlei_0 = m.valamlei, valamvaluta_0 = m.valamvaluta, m.cursintrare, m.dataiesire, m.cursiesire, m.valiesirelei, m.valiesirevaluta, mfbaza=cast(m.mfbaza as int), obinventar = cast(m.obinventar as int), furnizor=cast(m.furnizor as int), prodproprie=cast(m.prodproprie as int), capsoc=cast(m.capsoc as int), donatie=cast(m.donatie as int), leasing=cast(m.leasing as int), | 693.358857142857 | 326.739142857143 | 36114500.2857143 | 1859.35714285714 | 777915 | rcs_ias |
00:10:06.6 | 00:00:00.0 | 349 | 1 | -- CMP18_FacturaF_ActualizareMUPDATE facturifSET total=@total, tva=@tva, totalvaluta=@totalvaluta, obstext=@obstext, tvavaluta=@tvavaluta, totalcutaxevaluta=@totalcutaxevaluta, platit = ISNULL(@platit,platit), scadenta =@scadentaWHERE nrintfact=@nrintfact | 606.5582 | 0.0406 | 349.4 | 1.4 | 2368700 | rcs |
00:09:40.3 | 00:00:00.0 | 2 | 0 | -- sp_trace_getdataselect * from OpenRowset(TrcData, @traceid, @records) | 580.346771428571 | 3.74571428571429E-02 | 1.71428571428571 | 0 | 90004 | master |
00:09:33.7 | 00:03:55.1 | 11,059,221 | 703 | -- MFX18_RaportInventariereRCSvalutaCursDinBazaSELECT m.nrinventar, denumireMFX= m.denumire, centrup = ISNULL(i.pctlucru_primire, m.pctlucru), denumirecentrup= p.denumire, centruptata=convert(varchar(250), ''), denumirecentruptata = convert(varchar(250), ''), m.datareceptie, m.datapif,m.dataiesire, m.dataamteoretica, am =CASE WHEN m.dataamteoretica is not null AND = 1 AND m.dataamteoretica<=@data then 1 ELSE 0 END, casat = CASE WHEN m.dataiesire is not null AND m.casat = 1 AND m.dataiesire<= @data then 1 ELSE 0 END, lipsainv = CASE WHEN m.dataiesire is not null AND m.casat = 2 AND m.dataiesire<=@data then 1 ELSE 0 END, vandut = CASE WHEN m.dataiesire is not null AND m.casat = 0 AND m.dataiesire<=@data then 1 ELSE 0 END, valamlei = ISNULL(CASE W | 573.744666666667 | 235.138666666667 | 11059221.3333333 | 703 | 2665498 | rcs_ias |
00:09:05.1 | 00:06:14.2 | 23,594,223 | 962 | -- PLT18_FactFurncuSoldSELECT f.nrintfact, seriefact = f.seriefact, numarfact = f.nrfact, datafact = f.datafact, valfact = MIN(ISNULL(total,0) + ISNULL(tva,0)) + SUM(ISNULL(rd.diferenta,0)), codfirma = f.codfurnizor, denfirma = fp.denumire, s.societateINTO #tmp_facturif -- toate facturile posibile care ma intereseazaFROM facturif f JOIN firme_prim fp ON f.codfurnizor = fp.codfirma JOIN societati s ON f.codsoc = s.codsoc LEFT JOIN obsdoc o ON f.obsdoc = o.obsdoc LEFT JOIN modplata m ON f.modplata = m.codmodplata LEFT JOIN trz_reevaluariM rm ON rm.idoptip = 47 AND rm.datareevaluare <= @datasold LEFT JOIN trz_reevaluariD rd ON rd.idreevaluareM = rm.idreevaluareM AND f.nrintfact = ISNULL(rd.iddoc,0) AND rd.idoptip = 47WHERE f.codfurnizor like @codfirma AND f.datafact between @datafact1 a | 545.05125 | 374.21625 | 23594223.25 | 962.25 | 446768 | rcs |
00:07:16.9 | 00:04:03.9 | 15,092,978 | 931 | 436.870142857143 | 243.881 | 15092978.1428571 | 931.285714285714 | 369901 | rcs_ias | |
00:06:50.5 | 00:00:31.4 | 6,362,652 | 0 | -- CNT_NoteContTiparireINSERT INTO #doccont SELECT DISTINCT dc.nrcontare, dc.datacontab, dc.codcent, ct.denumirecent, dc.pozitie, dc.coddoc, dm.document, dc.nrdoc, dc.datadoc, dc.sumadoc,dc.explicatiidoc, dc.coduserdoc, dc.validat,userdoc= usa.denumireuser, dc.datavalidare, dc.coduser, userin =usb.denumireuser, dc.valuta, dc.cursvaluta,dc.totalvaluta, dc.valuta_doc,dc.cursvaluta_doc, s.societate, dimensiune1= d1.denumire,dimensiune2 = d2.denumire, dc.codfirma, dc.seriedoc, dc.datainreg, dc.datamodif, dc.codusermodif,usermod = usm.denumireuser, d1.cod, d2.cod --INTO #tmp FROM doccontate dc JOIN documente dm ON dc.coddoc = dm.coddoc AND dm.document LIKE @document JOIN centralizatoare ct ON dc.codcent = ct.codcent AND ct.denu | 410.464 | 31.392 | 6362652 | 0 | 3213325 | rcs |
00:05:58.3 | 00:03:31.1 | 16,124,269 | 288 | 358.261142857143 | 211.055571428571 | 16124268.5714286 | 288.142857142857 | 841977 | rcs_ias | |
00:05:48.0 | 00:00:00.0 | 10 | 1 | -- VNZ_ModificareAvizUPDATE stociesiri set codclient=@codclientnou WHERE nrintdoc = @nrintaviz AND tipdoc ='AC' | 347.991 | 0 | 10 | 1 | 3192158 | rcs |
00:05:40.8 | 00:00:00.0 | 43 | 0 | -- STC_StergeSeriiSELECT @bitavizf = a.bitavizf FROM stociesiri st JOIN artavizec ac ON st.nrpartidaaviz = ac.nrpartidaaviz JOIN avizec a ON ac.nrintaviz = a.nrintaviz WHERE st.nrpartidaaviz = @nrpartida AND st.codart = @codart AND st.tipdoc = @tipdoc | 340.775 | 0 | 43 | 0 | 370633 | rcs |
00:05:26.5 | 00:00:00.0 | 3 | 0 | -- CMP_ModificaNirUPDATE stociesiri SET valuta = @valuta WHERE nrintdoc = @nrintnir AND tipdoc = 'nr' | 326.466 | 0 | 3 | 0 | 1395330 | rcs |
00:05:11.6 | 00:00:00.0 | 248 | 7 | -- CMP_FacturiFInsertINSERT INTO facturif(coddoc, seriefact, nrfact, codfurnizor, datafact, scadenta, obsdoc, delegat, transport, total, tva, pfacturat, platit, transferat, coduser, modplata, valuta, obstext, codsoc, totalvaluta, curs, platavanzare, idproiect,idlocatie, modvaluta, tvavaluta)VALUES( @coddoc, @seriefact, @nrfact, @codfurnizor, @datafact, @scadenta, @obsdoc, @delegat, @transport, @total,@tva, @pfacturat, @platit, @transferat, @coduser, @modplata, @valuta, @obstext, @codsoc, @totalvaluta, @curs, @platavanzare, @proiect, @locatie, @modvaluta, @totaltvavaluta) | 311.64175 | 0.0195 | 248 | 7 | 2336871 | rcs |
00:05:03.1 | 00:00:00.0 | 17 | 0 | SELECT nrbon FROM bon WHERE tipbon = 'BT' AND nrbon =563579377 AND codgestsursa = 'D4632' | 303.085 | 0 | 17 | 0 | 207802 | rcs |
00:04:32.0 | 00:01:26.4 | 12,182,576 | 20 | -- CMP_StergeAvizeFDELETE partizispeciali FROM partizispeciali ps JOIN #loturi_aviz a ON a.nrpartidanou = ps.nrpartidanou | 271.999 | 86.359 | 12182575.5 | 19.5 | 2043406 | rcs |
00:04:29.2 | 00:00:08.1 | 23,398 | 0 | -- sp_MSget_repl_commandsselect rc.xact_seqno, rc.partial_command, rc.type, rc.command_id, rc.command from MSrepl_commands rc where rc.publisher_database_id = @publisher_database_id and rc.xact_seqno > @last_xact_seqno and rc.xact_seqno <= @max_xact_seqno and (rc.type & @snapshot_bit) <> @snapshot_bit and (rc.type & ~@snapshot_bit) not in ( 37, 38 ) order by rc.xact_seqno, rc.command_id asc | 269.190428571429 | 8.09692857142857 | 23398.4285714286 | 0 | 2009819 | distribution |
00:04:19.9 | 00:01:23.0 | 11,970,915 | 47,584 | delete cfrom calendar_documente cjoin societati s on c.codsoc = s.codsocWHERE s.soc_tata = 10 | 259.916 | 82.997 | 11970915 | 47584 | 2072205 | definiri |
Third point. I asked also some experts and told me to separate the indexes from data.
August 14, 2007 at 4:45 pm
Since you say the stored procedures use temp tables a lot, I'd also look at putting the tempdb data and tempdb log on seperate physical drives (that's two drives).
I'd also suggest that you run fn_virtualfilestats to determine where the majority of your I/O is occurring and if the read/write ratio.
Blocking quite often comes down to application and database design, very rarely does re-organising physical hardware help with blocking. Quite often you may find that the queries being run don't have effective indexes which causes them to read, and therefore place a lock on, more data than they should be reading. Simply placing an appropriate index can significantly reduce the amount of reading and as a consequence present fewer blocking problems.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
August 15, 2007 at 6:59 am
These were my thoughts, I do like separating SQL data from OS totally and I don't believe in separating indexes from table data. Many people think the opposite.
As I saw your queries, Phil definitely has a point. You should check the indexes on the tables. Anyway, I suggest you to check disk queue lengths with perfmon if you didn't do this yet.
These are just hints, your plan seems feasible in itself.
-- Erik
August 15, 2007 at 8:59 am
Thank you for your replies. I will analyze these issues you show me.
August 15, 2007 at 9:35 am
Tend to agree with Erik's advice myself.
I will say that some of the research from MS on very large DBs has been splitting off entire objects (data + indexes) into their own filegroups. For a few reasons. Backup is one, keep stuff together. Performance is another.
August 16, 2007 at 5:10 pm
I would recommmend 4 drives for datafiles (one for each CPU core), 1 drive for your log files, and 1 drive for tempdb database. The link below is also handy.
August 17, 2007 at 12:35 am
how about RAID10 array? is justified to use 6 HDD?
August 17, 2007 at 1:38 am
I have the following IO on TempDB:
15 aug 2007:
DBName | FileName | DbId | FileId | TimeStamp | NumberReads | NumberWrites | BytesRead | BytesWritten | IoStallMS |
tempdb | tempdev | 2 | 1 | -850553795 | 4384580 | 6434299 | 2.76778E+11 | 3.33163E+11 | 307887 |
tempdb | templog | 2 | 2 | -850553795 | 6866 | 418893 | 422344704 | 24401370624 | 2288 |
16 aug 2007:
| |||||||||
tempdb | tempdev | 2 | 1 | -700909717 | 4756386 | 6940393 | 3.00294E+11 | 3.59771E+11 | 318643 |
tempdb | templog | 2 | 2 | -700909717 | 6903 | 443446 | 424257536 | 25851481088 | 2318 |
August 17, 2007 at 2:00 am
So how does this IO compare against your databases?
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
August 17, 2007 at 2:12 am
So, I have the following difference for 1 day:
Unit FileName BytesRead BytesWritten
GBytes tempdev 21.9 24.7
MBytes templog 1.82 1382.93
I try to understand how this affect the BlkBy process during 1 day, 'cause I have noticed many locking spids locking other spids. I think this is because of heavy using of TempDB - stored procedures have a lot of creating of temporary tables (#tTbls) and populating them.
August 18, 2007 at 8:09 am
Check the queries that are at the head of the blocking chain. As I mentioned in my other post, without effective indexes the queries will read, and therefore place a lock on, more data than they should be reading. Make sure you've got adequate indexing and you're only returning exactly whats required.
Colt 45 - the original point and click interface
August 19, 2007 at 3:21 am
I didn't make the design and arhictecture of this ERP system. Anyway, the tables are plenty of indexes. I've tested the stored procedures, some of them because are a lot of, and noticed a good execution plan. I have problems with concurrent acceses of those stored procedures. There are many users who acceses in a short interval of time the same stored procedures.
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