Getting syntax error in my stored procedure.Pls help URGENT!!!

  • Below is the stored procedure i am creating.I created @Report_Parameter_1 report parameter and added two values Forclosure and Bancrupcy'.

    I AM GETTING ERROR Line 16: Incorrect syntax near '=' IN BELOW PROCEDURE IN THIS LINE

    then dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid = 1.Do you know why i am getting this error.

    Store Procedure

    declare @Attorneyrname as string

    declare @Report_Parameter_1 as string


    dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName, dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorShortName, dbo.tblRAIL.RailDescr, dbo.tblSPIKE.SpikeDescr, dbo.tblRAIL.ScreenValue,

    dbo.tlkpSID.SId, dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.VendorID


    dbo.tblSPIKE ON dbo.tlkpSID.SidID = dbo.tblSPIKE.SidId INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblRAIL INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblVENDOR ON dbo.tblRAIL.SuperClientVendorId = dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId ON dbo.tblSPIKE.RailId = dbo.tblRAIL.RailId INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient ON dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId = dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.SuperClientId

    WHERE (dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.VendorID = 199) AND (dbo.tblvendor.vendorid <> 123)

    and (dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName=@Attorneyrname)and

    case when @Report_Parameter_1='Forclosure'

    then dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid = 1,

    case when @Report_Parameter_1='Bankrupcy'

    then dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid = 2


  • I am very sure that you cannot use the CASE function in the where clause of a query

    Why do you not work this out using conditional logic before the query and then test for dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid being equal to a variable depending on whether you want ForClosure or Bankruptcy.



  • This should work:

    WHERE (dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.VendorID = 199)

    AND (dbo.tblvendor.vendorid <> 123)

    and (dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName=@Attorneyrname)

    and ((@Report_Parameter_1='Forclosure' and dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid = 1)

      or (@Report_Parameter_1='Bankrupcy' and dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid = 2))

  • Shouldn't this:

    dbo.tblVENDOR ON dbo.tblRAIL.SuperClientVendorId = dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId ON dbo.tblSPIKE.RailId =

    be this:

    dbo.tblVENDOR ON dbo.tblRAIL.SuperClientVendorId = dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId AND  dbo.tblSPIKE.RailId =

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Actually, you can, just not in the manner that the original poster did it in. For an example (using Northwind):






     City = Case Country WHEN 'Germany' THEN 'Berlin' ELSE 'London' END

    In other words, you can case a single expression, but not the entire comparison.

    While the other methods might work as well, the following changes to the original code will work (although both foreclosure and bankruptcy are mispelled, so if they are spelled correctly in the parameter, it won't return what you want).

    declare @Attorneyrname as string

    declare @Report_Parameter_1 as string


    dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName, dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorShortName, dbo.tblRAIL.RailDescr, dbo.tblSPIKE.SpikeDescr, dbo.tblRAIL.ScreenValue,

    dbo.tlkpSID.SId, dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.VendorID


    dbo.tblSPIKE ON dbo.tlkpSID.SidID = dbo.tblSPIKE.SidId INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblRAIL INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblVENDOR ON dbo.tblRAIL.SuperClientVendorId = dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId ON dbo.tblSPIKE.RailId = dbo.tblRAIL.RailId INNER JOIN

    dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient ON dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorId = dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.SuperClientId

    WHERE (dbo.tblConVendtoSuperClient.VendorID = 199) AND (dbo.tblvendor.vendorid <> 123)

    and (dbo.tblVENDOR.VendorName = @Attorneyrname) and

    dbo.tblRAIL.lkpRailid = CASE @Report_Parameter_1

           WHEN 'Forclosure' THEN 1

           WHEN 'Bankrupcy' THEN 2






  • Thats quite interesting David I had never though of using CASE like that in the where clause of a query.



  • David, it also works great in the ORDER BY clause, where you can handle some offbeat requirements. For instance, using the same Northwind table from above, let's say you want to order Customers by city, but want customers in your home-city (I'll use London in this case) to show up first. Just do something like this:






     CASE City WHEN 'London' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END


    One of the most common uses of this is to make Null behave differently when sorting on a column.

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