October 8, 2007 at 2:04 pm
Using sql Server 2000. I have a details table, a lookup table and an intersection table. Each detail row can have 1 or more values assigned to it from the lookup table. The intersection holds the IDs from the details table and the lookup table. What I'm trying to do, is for each row in the details table, put into a single field, all the text values from the lookup table. I can join together and get the information but I have all the detail rows data repeated.
select datavalue
from detail idt
inner join (
select ityp.datavalue, itr.Issue_id
from intersection itr
inner join lookup ityp on ityp.typeID = itr.type_id) tblTypes on tblTypes.issue_ID = idt.issueID
Detail table
InterSection table
Lookup Table
Sample Data
Detail Table
1 12345 Test1
2 54321 Test2
3 98765 Test3
Intersection Table
1 1
1 2
1 3
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 3
3 4
Lookup Table
1 Blistered
2 Creased
3 Brittle
4 Discolored
This is the results I’d like to get ( a bonus would be a comma in between each)
ID Job Description Issues
1 12345 Test1 Blistered, Creased, Brittle
2 54321 Test2 Brittle, Discolored
3 98765 Test3 Blistered, Brittle, Discolored
October 8, 2007 at 2:44 pm
October 8, 2007 at 2:45 pm
There are more, could be lots more over time.
October 8, 2007 at 2:58 pm
This should probably give you what you want (didn't catch the specifics on all field names, so you will have to play find and replace). This is a shameless adaptation from another prolific poster's technique using numbers, but it should work.
The other way would be to use a user-defined function to calculate the string - but I think this will actually be faster.
Tables Detail (ID, ), Lookup (lookupID matching to detail, issueid matching to issue), issues (your reference table issueID, issuedesc)
Now - since we are using a field to capture this - this will be prone to overflow length-wise if there are too many strings to concatenate.
My ID's were string - make your match the type you need.
--working table required
create table #temp (lookupid varchar(10),issuedesc varchar(10),tmp varchar(4000))
--insert the stuff you need to flatten
insert #temp (lookupid ,issuedesc,tmp)
select l.lookupid, i.issuedesc from lookup l inner join issues i on l.issueid=i.issueid
--make this run a little faster
create index ix_tmp on #temp(lookupid)
--and now - for the fun part
declare @holder varchar(4000)
declare @previd varchar(10)
declare @g datetime
set @g=getdate()
set @holder=''
set @previd=''
update #temp
set @holder=tmp=@holder+issuedesc, @holder =case when @previd=lookupid then @holder+',' else '' end, @previd=lookupid
from #temp with (index(ix_tmp),tablock)
select d.*, i.issuestr
from details d inner join
(select lookupid, max(tmp) as issuestr from #temp group by acctnum) i on d.id=i.lookupid
drop table #temp
select datediff(ms,@g,getdate())
Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?
October 8, 2007 at 3:03 pm
Thanks, I'll give that a shot.
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