SQl Server 2000 -- SSL Security Error

  • Hi 

    I got a small problem with Sql Server 2000 which is installed on Windows XP.

    I installed it long back and it used to work fine but suddenly I got the following problem when trying to open Enterprise Manger 

    Error for the SQL Server:

    A Connection could not established to (Local)

    Reason: SSL Security error Connection Open (SECDoClienthandshake())…

    Tried a couple of things but no luck

    Hopeso  someone can help me!!!



  • Looks like SSL is enabled. You want to connect through SSL ? If not, make sure that under Client Network Utility the option"Force Protocol Encryption" is disabled.

    If you want to use SSL probably you have a certificate problem check this link




  • Hi Moreno,

                  Thank you so much for your reply. "Force Protocol Encryption" is disabled. i tried that link you send to me also.. in this situation i can create certificate i can export too... but how to import Certification once you created, i am not able to proceed after creating Certificate... could you please guide me...

    Thanking you




  • Hi Lakshmi

    Hhhmmm, strange if "force protocol encryption" is disabled SQL should not search for a certificate.

    Anyway you can open the certificate snap-in, through mmc, add snap-in, certificate, and check if you some certificate installed on your machine that can be involved with SQL.

    Through the mmc you can also import the certificate you have created. In this case you should enable the protocol encryption.



  • Hi Moreno

                    In mmc Console i got two certificates one is Certificate - CurentUser and Certificates –LocalUser. In Certificate – CurentUser I got a Personal folder in that I got subfolder Certificates I found certificates on it. Where as in Certificates –LocalUser I found Personal Subfolder but I couldn’t found any subfolder Certificates, I tried to request new certificate I got a error saying

    Certificate Request Wizard

    This wizard cannot be started because of one or more of the following

     -There are no trusted certification authorities (CA) available

    -You do not have the permissions to request certificate from the available CA’s

    -The available CAs issue certificates fro which you do not have permissions

    do u have any idea how to request Certificate in Certificates –LocalUser

    waiting for your kind reply







  • Hi Lakshmi

    You can import certificates if you have a CA or you buy one or you have created one with the makecert.exe utility, see following link:


    In my opinion you should import a certificate to the local computer and not to the user.

    Honestly I'm not sure that you have a certificate problem. If I have understood your situation correctly, SQL is installed on your computer which is running XP, your are not trying to connect remotely.

    Now, SSL is not enabled, SQL should not require a certificate for connections. I'm wondering why you get this error message. SQL services can be stop and started without problems, right ?

    Check if SQL is connecting to port 1433 and that this port is not in use through an another application (in this case the error should be different, just to be sure).

    Further have a look to this registry key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\ Client\SuperSocketNetLib


    Should be 0.



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