Importing Stored Procedures in SQL Server 2005

  • Hello Experts,

    I'm have a task that is causing some problems with SQL Server 2005. I'm trying to copy a database including all sps (SQL Server 2000) into a new database (SQL Server 2005) but I'm not able to select only the master stored procedure. Is ther a option to select all of the store procedures instead of the master storded procedures.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Hi Ryan,

    Unless you have a specific need to recreate the entire db from scripts, I would suggest a simple backup and restore of the db you need a copy of. That would move everything in a very efficient way.

    Otherwise, you can use the copy database wizard (search in Books Online)


    Good luck,


  • Hey Andrew,

    Thanks for the information...I'm conducting a backup and restore of the database as we speak...I think may be the answer. Thanks


  • Check the default database selected in your connection. may be your connection is lying in master db. and hence not showing you procs from your own database.

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