February 27, 2007 at 5:25 pm
I have a table called historyfile which contains a column that is called fullfilepath.
I would like to run a select fullfilepath from historyfile and take the results and use them in a delete command at a command prompt to remove the directory. I have an idea on how I can do this with a cursor, but since cursors are frowned upon I was hoping to find a way of doing this without the cursor. Any suggestions are appreciated.
February 27, 2007 at 6:44 pm
Try this:
declare @SQLCommand Varchar(500)
declare @FullFilePath Varchar(100)
Select @FullFilePath='d:\cert' --FullFilePath From yourtable Where something unique
Set @SQLCommand='RD "' + @FullFilePath + '" /S /Q'
Print @SQLCommand
--Exec Master..xp_cmdshell @SQLCommand
Once you confirm the printed @SQLCommand is correct then remove the comment char in Exec command line. /S is including all the sub-directories and /Q is quiet option.
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