row_number and variable for sorting

  • Hi,

    Does anyone know why this does not work?  I'm using the Pubs database in SQL2k5 for the example:

    declare @sortExpression varchar(32)

    set @sortExpression = 'job_desc'



       row_number() over( order by case @sortExpression

       when 'job_desc' then job_desc

       else job_id end ) as rowNum



    Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 14

    Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'New Hire - Job not specified' to data type smallint.

    But this does work: 

    declare @sortExpression varchar(32)

    set @sortExpression = 'job_desc'



       row_number() over( order by case @sortExpression

       when 'job_desc' then job_desc end ) as rowNum



    Thank you very much!!!

  • you must cast all sorting columns to the same data type.

    try changing :

     when 'job_desc' then job_desc

       else job_id end ) as rowNum


     when 'job_desc' then job_desc

       else cast (job_id as varchar(20)) end ) as rowNum


    warning: that sort is working with characters you may want to produce leading zeros




    * Noel

  • why not try to use the IF...Else statement. I am thinking you want to use sort expressions which are mutually exclusive

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